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[merchant] vermin hunting - Printable Version

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[merchant] vermin hunting - Theodred - 07-02-2023

The weight of his newest weapon was yet another semblance of the change that was quietly taking over him. He felt like a stone, weighted, covered in tendrils of algae and slowly eroded by the flow of water. One that had alas been pressed to movement. Acceptance born of disinterest had made a monster of him, but he had been been stirred to consideration. He had been an open advocate to the treatment of those many viewed merely as a simple meal. Others and the more deranged viewing the ordeal as sport, as a sense of entertainment. He had never been pleased with any of the settings he had often found himself in, but eventually he had become wholly desensitized to the matter. Acceptance spoken in his inaction.

A declaration he was in progress of making.

The young lady who had procured the gun for him had aided in keeping his identity secret, yet another mask fronted though it varied from the glyph carved article that lingered under the edge of his cloak. He was careful in covering his tracks to ensure that future actions could not be traced back to the general of the red queen's army. Perhaps they were over thought and overly cautious, but he had also assured himself that there was no such thing in this light. This would not be a drastic last stand, this would not happen easily over night. He would be forced to do single handedly what he quelled almost daily for nearly a year after the usurpation of Dunmeath. This new self righteous duty would need to accompany the farce already well established as well. He could not fall behind in his daily tasks. He could not give a single soul reason to connect his true face to the bone and porcelain that would hide it.

"And this?" he would inquire of the shop keep, pointing to the meticulously folded body of paper laying upon its side. "Oh, this? A trinket of enchanted paper!" the old mystic rushed, picking up the parchment only for it to change its shape, an altering that one would have missed had he not been carefully watching it. "They'll take near any shape you wish, and they record brief notes on their paper. Everything they see, everything they hear. See how it goes?" Just as she described, the words appeared upon the surface rapidly, bleeding ink into words before his very eyes. He would grunt faintly in appreciation of the enchantment. He would hold his palm out, the other gloved hand presenting the woman with a sack of coin. "I'll take one. Thank you kindly."

RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Avarice - 07-02-2023

“This color suits you, Envy.” Came the quiet hum of the young albino maiden. Slender phalanges gently brushed over the neatly crafted braids which dressed the mane of the raven Friesian mare. Tucked meticulously bloomed blush-pink colored cherry blossoms within the folds of the braids. Another spawning in the gentle sweep of the maiden’s touch. Alabaster brows would furrowed slightly upon this new discovery. Only a recent occurrence and with her mother absent: she could not seek better understanding of the happenings. She was careful with the expense as she easily fatigued even after coaxing forth the smallest petal.

Gossip roamed throughout the bustling city streets in the mentions of a travelling merchant selling oddities. With her interest piqued, Avarice did not hesitate to take hold of Envy’s reigns despite the concerning protests of the house staff. With a silent thanks the travel was not far. Though from appearance, she would need to wait her turn as she carefully dismounted her steed, a firm hand holding on to the reigns. Avarice had caught the tail end of the conversation when the moving parchment quickly caught her eye. “Oh,” she hummed curiously, spoken a little louder than she had intended. Her cheeks flushed as quickly dipped her head. Head tilting slightly catching what glimpses she could steal to see what trinkets the merchant possessed.


RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Theodred - 07-02-2023

“Oh,” there was familiarity in the voice that spoke, bidding him to turn his attention towards the blushing young woman who's attention seemed to be piqued by the little contraption that rested upon the curve of his index. The word would appear, a manner of different script given to it. His very own action followed suit. The detail of her state. The deep blush that colored her cheeks. He would tilt his head slightly at it, perhaps it would be of more use to him than he had originally considered.

"Hello, Miss Avarice." He would greet, bowing his head slightly. He would offer the paper trinket to her, should she wish to inspect it. "Would you like to look at it?" Likewise, he would offer his free hand towards the fickle mare to snort into, coaxing forth the soft ghost of a simper. "Hello to you, too, Envy." His sight would drag over the plaid of her hair, the interwoven pieces adorned here and there by delicate, fragile petals of pink. While he knew the maiden to pamper those under her care with attention, it seemed she had spent special time and effort upon the large fresian today.

Silver would light back upon the rider herself. "How have you been? Better, I hope."

RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Avarice - 07-03-2023

Judging by what she could see, it came to her realization that she did not bring enough coin to spend if she had chosen to do so. There was nothing wrong with window shopping though despite the distance travelled. Hello, miss Avarice. Cherry blossom pink eyes lifted shyly as dainty ears twitched slightly at the familiarity. One which she was not expecting but a mere bystander just as intrigued of the little trinkets on display. “Oh, Theodred, sir,” she offered a brief curtsy in greeting. A quiet annotation had just caught her throat. It had been some time since their paths had crossed. A strange sting of guilt tugged at her chest with the absence of the feline companion that had comfortably made himself at home under the shelter of her own. The same feline that contently parted ways for another.

Would you like to look at it? Her gaze would shift to the parchment as spoken words formed upon it. Her eyes widened slightly like that of a curious child. With care she took it into her hands, Envy’s reigns slipping down to the bend of her arm. She held the trinket as if it were on the cusp of dissolving with such frailty. “How fascinating.” She cooed gently. And just as the words spilled from her lips, so too did ink begin to rapidly twirl in elegant script. While she inspected the enchanted parchment, Envy was already shoving her face into the personal space of the enigmatic man.

She chuffed hot air, shaking her head in a manner as if to show off the crafted braids upon her mane almost as if the Friesian was boasting. Avarice carefully looked over the magical artifact, ink filling in the description, the inquisitive nature of her expression. How have you been? Better, I hope. Cherry blossom pink gaze would pull their sights back to the knight as she extended her hand to return what belonged to him. “I am fairing well. And you?”


RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Theodred - 07-06-2023

“Oh, Theodred, sir,” At her bow, he would incline his head once more. He supposed it had been awhile since she had seen him. It would have been the evening he had crossed paths with her upon her doorstep and she had invited him in. Now that he considered it, it must have been some time ago, though to say he paid much heed to the passing of days would be a lie. Sometimes he felt as though an entire year could pass by in the span of an inhale - ten in the time of a deep sigh. Many and more had trespassed by him in the past, the only marking of time and its silent betrayal being the changing of faces. When he had first come to this land, there had been a coffee shop he'd often visit in the city. Only to one day find that a different face handed him his porcelain cup. It seemed just the day before that she had just been a happy tot bouncing upon the knee of her father while her mother had waited and served their customers. Suddenly, she had been a morose looking young lady all her own. Her mother gone to mortality's frailness and her father enlisted within the corps of the military under the tyrant ruler's forefathers. Just how many generations of this land's people had he unwittingly watched grow up, have children of their own, grow old, and eventually succumb?  Many more than his own, a truth that settled as just another weight in this growing pile of unease that threatened to escape his lips like bile in recent time.

For the present, however, he was content to watch her wonder at the enchanted parchment. Gently, as if it were a gilded feather, she would lift it for closer observation. The leather of Envy's reigns slid down the span of her lithe arm, allowing the fresian ample room to come even closer to him and he would turn peripherals to her, his gloved fingertips lightly trailing up the bridge of her nose and to the point in the center of her forehead where the bridle rested. Deftly, his touch would slip under it to scratch - a habit he had with Neph and one he absently conducted with the mare. “How fascinating.” He would tilt his crown towards the table, "Would you like one?" he inquired.

At Envy's shake of her head, he would pause, turning his sights upon her momentarily. The movement of the braids would bely the intertwined vines of the flowers and how they were anchored within her ebony locks. His touch would ghost down her neck, careful as he parted the sections to better glimpse it. "Magic?" he would pose, a curiosity that was also touched by a hint of trepidation. He could not detect the lycanthropy upon her, if there was, but this was a practice commonly followed by the skin changers. However, his hand would open towards her, instead, to receive the artifact once again from her. “I am fairing well. And you?” He smiled. "I'm glad. I fear my time lately has been spent reminiscing." He would offer her the admittance, though the danger of it would not be clear.

Unless he was caught.
"Do you have any other shops to look at? I could accompany you, if you'd like."

RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Avarice - 07-08-2023

Would you like one? Cherry blossom pink eyes blinked, widened slightly upon the offering. The word etched upon the artifact once spoken in peculiar scripture. Attention shifted towards the merchant then back to Theodred with her usual illegible stoic expression. “I am just browsing, I think.” she admitted sheepishly. She did not wish to admit that she may have shorted herself before leaving the estate. This was an outing she had taken upon herself to go out on her own. If it were not for the draft, she would have been accompanied by Ira-Gula. However, he was away for who knew how long.

“Do not be rude, Envy.” Came the gentle, dulcet chiding. Avarice tugged the reigns with a gentle pull as another means to scold. The raven-colored mare simply chuffed as if to scoff back at her rider with jest. Doing so, Envy shook her head once more to ensure she once again flaunted her mane. Magic? Came the inquiry. Cherry blossom gaze tilted towards the craft that adorned Envy’s mane – one she was wondering if she should regret doting on the Friesian today. “Yes.” She admitted coolly, seeming nonchalant of the topic. “Though it is only recent, I think.” She pondered the craft as she returned to window shopping hardly noticing the undertones of concern from the peer accompanying her.

I’m glad. I fear my time lately has been spent reminiscing. He regarded her following the askance of well-being. Avarice hummed with light musings as she poked at another origami-crafted parchment similar to the one he had just purchased. Script forming upon it too. “That sounds quite dangerous.” though her tone came flat and unassuming. “The mind can be cruel.” She was all too familiar with the matter but did not press further on the subject. Do you have any other shops to look at? I could accompany you, if you'd like.

Avarice turned to face Theodred in full. Alabaster curls bounced against her delicate freckled features as she clasped her hands together resting at her waist. “I do not wish to impose upon your time, sir,” She peeked curiously over her shoulder. “If it is of no trouble to you, I would appreciate your company.”


RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Theodred - 07-12-2023

“I am just browsing, I think.” He would afford her a smile, placing his own purchased trinket within his pocket gingerly so as not to place unnecessary creases upon the magicked parchment. "If you change your mind, let me know." He hummed, truthfully. He knew very little of what to do with the wages he received. He was minimalist in many ways, his home already garnished beyond what he saw as necessary. He hired staff in order to clean the place and upkeep it in his absence, yes, but he unintentionally ended up hoarding crescents much like a dragon would its own gold. Though in the end he would suppose he would be none the wiser should a thief make off with the small trove.

“Do not be rude, Envy.” He would offer a faint wave of dismissal. "She just seems to be showing off." However, at the mention of magic, she seemed to quiet slightly. He was unsure if it was a moment of tenseness that lined the inflection within her stare or something else He would draw in a long breath, a habit no longer necessary, and yet one he couldn't seem to part with. Muscle memory, he often blamed it on. After nearly six centuries, however, he held little faith in breaking it yet. Still yet the air wasn't tainted with the overwhelming presence of lycanthropy. It offered some small, sordid sense of odd comfort. “Yes.” She would breathe finally. “Though it is only recent, I think.” He would allow a thoughtful hum of consideration to leave him, his head tilting slightly as he turned his gaze upon her work once again. "Strange," was the only comment that departed him otherwise.

It was passing bewilderment that would offer a temporary furrow to his brow. Perhaps, in truth, she had possessed the ability all along but she had never acted upon it for one reason or another. To think that the arcana had suddenly manifested within her, though, was an interesting happening - to him, at least. It was a passing observation as she returned to observing the wares on display. “That sounds quite dangerous.” Silver stare would turn upwards towards the shrouded heavens. Even through the shielding haze, the illumination of the sun could still be detected, it was as uncomfortable as the pistol haltered at his hip. The disk was slowly dying, however, its rays lower, and while she concluded that the past was dangerous, so to was Anderstel in the hours after darkness had fallen. He didn't want her to be among those faces taken, posted upon poles with the intention of seeking. “The mind can be cruel.” "Truly," he would agree, wholly. "Yesterdays that are long gone even more so."

“I do not wish to impose upon your time, sir,” he would shake his head in a light dismissal as she turned to face him in full, a hand raised in a half shrug. He felt that time was certainly the only thing he had left. There was no end, constantly expanding, his could not be measured with the same weight as mortality's. It was worth less, tarnished. Only concealed and not finite. At some point, it would come to a halt, yes, but it was not one tapered pleasantly. It would be sharp, abrupt. She would look over her shoulder, briefly, and he would follow her gaze subtly. “If it is of no trouble to you, I would appreciate your company.” "It would be no trouble. I have nothing else planned for this evening, and I would prefer to ensure your safety myself." After all, these lands were under the watchful gaze of the navy commander. After his pressing inquiries and attitude at the ball, he wanted to give the duke absolutely no reason to suspect his excuse as false, let alone the chance for slavers to take her into chains.

RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Avarice - 07-17-2023

Her expression remained unchanged upon his offering should her mind change. It wouldn’t – that much she knew, and even so, it felt horribly improper to ask. It was not often she went out of her way to purchase anything for herself, anyway. Even Ira-Gula would offer to spend his pay when she would not and still denied the old guardian of doing so. She just seems to be showing off. Avarice turned her cherry blossom gaze would angle towards the mare as Envy simply twitched an ear. She knew exactly what she was doing, and the Friesian was being quite coy. “I suppose so.” Avarice hummed coolly. Realistically, the young albino maiden wondered if she had added too many flowers to the mane. Envy on the other hand seemed quite proud of the endeavor. Dabbling in the craft of magic was still new to her. Strange.

“Oh.” Came her soft inflection, a weight of doubt suddenly felt heavy on her shoulders which caused them to drop. “I made something for Osmanthus too.” She unlatched a small leafy ringlet attached to Envy’s saddle that made room to fit around the large feline but still have enough room to fit comfortably around his neck. Her freckled cheeks flushed a reddish-pinkish hue as she knew not where the feline lingered now. ”I apologize, I took him to a ceremony with me recently and departed with a dark-haired woman.” It was rare for Avarice to show any sort of emotion let alone share how bothered she may have been. “I feel the fault is mine, as he would not allow me to leave home without him.”

Avarice knew that the feline did whatever his little heart desired pending how far he was willing to travel. Perhaps she had grown far too attached to the fluffy cat despite the knowledge that Osmanthus came and went as he pleased. She provided him shelter and a fine dish each evening up until the night of the wedding ceremony. Before the night grew too terribly long, she would leave shortly after sharing a dance with the bride-to-be as fatigue was quick to claim her. In doing so, she left without Osmanthus in tow.

He regarded her in their brief small talk regarding the mind. It was cruel, as she knew this all too well. Truly. Her cherry blossom pink eyes would shyly lift; Yesterdays that are long gone even more so “I can only fathom.” She hummed in quiet agreeance. Avarice would have been lying if she said she wasn’t surprised that he offered his company while exploring the shops in the near, local area. It would be no trouble. I have nothing else planned for this evening, and I would prefer to ensure your safety myself

“That is kind of you,” She dipped her head in a polite nod, “Would you perhaps have any recommendations then?” She pulled Envy’s reigns slightly as an inclination to start a leisured walk. “I do not wish to bring you boredom either.” She was oblivious of those potential dangers and threats too as she looked to Theodred in quiet curiosity, hoping to ensure he felt included in this window-shopping excursion.


RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Theodred - 11-27-2023

She was as composed as always, something he had become accustomed to very easily as it followed suite with his own demeanor. This shell of permafrost that surrounded him was not something so easily melted away, and he found those with sharp changes in emotion to be somewhat... abhorrent to interact with. Maybe the dislike came from a vast majority of his time once being used to temper those recently turned into proper soldiers. They were like rabid dogs, they frothed at the mouth, they snapped and bit at anything and everything within their reach. They chased the high that came with the hunt, the kill. They played with their food, messy creatures with their erratic behavior and unpredictable actions.

“I suppose so." The hint of amusement lingered upon his features as he caught the glance the delicate lady gave the horse. He offered no further comment as he allowed them to silently make their peace with one another. “Oh.” He allowed his gaze to once more find her, though she seemed a bit amiss, perhaps even nervous. “I made something for Osmanthus too.” A movement accompanied her words, lithe fingers unclasping a piece of leather only to withdraw a ring of greenery. It, too, seemed to be crafted and refined with arcane, and he would admire the dainty piece, knowing that the feline would indeed enjoy the gift. As he had stated, the cat was quite spoiled and he did nothing to curb the habits. He was like a little prince, and they merely his subjects meant to shower him in the gifts that he so deserved. "Thank you, I'm sure he'll treasure it." He would offer, though her next words had a bit of a soft frown tugging eagerly at the edges of his lips. ”I apologize, I took him to a ceremony with me recently and departed with a dark-haired woman.” Mithras's disguise, of course, he fathomed. Of course the little lordling would willingly depart with the other, having been familiar with him for quite some time. While he had assumed that Osmanthus had left the festivities with Avarice, such a thing couldn't possibly go so smoothly. “I feel the fault is mine, as he would not allow me to leave home without him.”

Composing himself and forcing the displeasured irritance from his features with a heavy sigh and a shake of his head, he would allow a low hum to leave him. "Please, think nothing of it." The dismissal was given gently, comfortingly. "He goes where he pleases more times than not. Since he has yet to return to you or me, I suppose the cat thief intends to hold him for ransom." Eventually, he would have to retrieve his familiar, though he sensed no hint of danger to him. Perhaps another ploy for him to return to the manor for some more... talks. "The woman's name is Mithras." He added, his gaze heavy upon her face. "And Mithras rules these lands." He hoped to impart enough warning within those words that she would heed the call for caution here, but he dared say no more for the fear of prying ears being privy to the conversation. After all, the commander had already made it quite clear to him that he had some manner of observation set to trail him. The thought had him pulling slightly at the cusp of his gloves.

“I can only fathom.” It was a dreadful thought, in some senses, that he hoped she would never be forced to understand such a sentiment. To have such an unfortunately long span to look back upon was more a curse than a blessing to some - and he was one of them. “That is kind of you,” silver stare would tarry, looking down to the ground, to the toes of his boots. “Would you perhaps have any recommendations then? I do not wish to bring you boredom either.” His focus would drag from the dirt to the multitude of stalls, nodding back towards the main body of the temporary bazaar. The crowds were beginning to somewhat thin, at last and some of the shops were beginning to close for the evening, but there was still one he felt she may enjoy. "This way, if you would, Envy." As he spoke to the mare, he would walk before her, placing a hand upon her cheek before gently guiding her forward. "There's an excellent stand for tea and sweets, if you'd be so inclined."

RE: [merchant] vermin hunting - Avarice - 11-28-2023

It was guilt that festered against her chest. A familiar, bitterly uncomfortable feeling pitted against her chest following her admittance to having snuck the feline into the matrimonial ceremony. Avarice felt as though she had committed such a wrongful endeavor, so much so that a strange dark inkling of fear threatened to surface. Fear was something she had only truly ever encountered only briefly and it was during the episodes of her mothers grievances. Still, she did not fault the sensitive healer: but she could not help but hope such endeavors would never emerge again. Of course, she was still under the impression that her father had long since perished in the fires of Dunmeath. Please think nothing of it.

Her cherry blossom gaze returned to Theodreds silver focus, pulled away from her fleeting thoughts. He goes where he pleases more times than not. Since he has yet to return to you or me, I suppose the cat thief intends to hold him for ransom. Her freckled cheeks only flushed to the tips of her ears, lower lip curling inward. It didn’t make her feel any better knowing that his feline companion was being held hostage and more than likely on her account. Whispers hissed through her thoughts, taunting her with berating ridicule and torment. The woman’s name is Mithras. Mithras rules these lands. Avarice mulled his words, head tilting slight towards him as a curl would escape from behind her ear and sweep against her freckled cheek. She wondered if maybe she had placed the knight in an uncomfortable position with the owner of these lands though bit the inside of her cheek instead of voicing her concern.

Instead, the conversation would shift to idea to cruise around other shop vendors. The black Friesian flicked her tail, nudging Theodreds hand playfully as she coyly obliged to follow. There’s an excellent stand for tea and sweets, if you’d be so inclined. Her cherry blossom eyes widened slightly and provoked what could easily be taken for as surprise and cherubic-like excitement. A breathy chime hummed warmly from her pale lips: “…Sweets?”
