Hemlock & Lace
|M - V| Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Printable Version

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RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Naga - 04-02-2023

The satisfying snap of draconian skin, a familiar resistance as lean thew met with the jagged blades.  It'd be a lie to say that a chill didn't roll down his spine like the breath of winter's frigid breeze.  One which reminded him shortly of the season and the fight at hand. 

As another joined the fray, Naga watched, waiting for the beast to unleash its retaliation.  Only when the twip of an arrow punctured the beasts neck did it unleash a roar that left the ground nearly trembling in her anguish.

Naga moved quickly, pulling free his blades and swiping them with the precise aim meant to sever the tendon of her great hind leg nearly toppling it over in the process as it attempted to stand steady through the searing pain. 

100/100 HP
70/70 SP
No wounds

54.  Severs the tendon in her leggie that he stabbed before.


RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Sergei - 04-02-2023

Every breath that heaved from the guardian mother’s lungs was felt in the pulse caught betwixt powerful jaws. Rolled with the thrashing of the draconic labeled as potential prey as it was picked apart by other scavengers. Sergei heard the zing of the arrow as it cut through the air long before it pierced itself through the hide of that exposed throat, edged itself upon a vital pathway though there is never certainty if it goes deep enough. Not that he cares, why should he? All that the wild dog worries over is how much blood can be spilt upon his tongue and how many pounds of flesh could be torn out of place to be swallowed down by a ravenous gullet.

Jerked against the previous hold he had obtained upon the dragon mother. Rag dolled her neck as much as possible as that horned crown was forced to the side, heaved back as it fought against the other titan who had come with the intent of playing collision course with a hopeful meal. That is all a potentially rabid animal needs after all — to be satisfied with each bite it takes. Peels the scales from place as the thing screams and pulls at the hide of the beast who has latched on and refuses to offer freedom lest it be forcefully taken from him. Plants paws upon her shoulder and tries to topple the thing when the weight shifts off a snapped tendon.

120/120 HP
30/30 SP

Injuries: None
Action: [Roll 4, Full] Just thrashes on her neck / tries to shove her down after the tendon is broken  (-10 HP)

52/252 HP

RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Leslie - 04-03-2023

From where the hunter sat senses cannot pick up on the resounding pop of flesh as both blade and fangs drove against armored flesh. Each holding their focus even as everything lay drowned out as the beast unleashed another deafening roar, the pain echoing across her battered hide though it was clear she still held fight within her. A majesty such as herself would not lie down to die easily. Something she had proven with her tenacity, in the vigor kept in each strike against her opposition. Yet in a blink she was downed, a limb tucking close to her figure as the speckled hound perched atop her with weight sinking against her frame. Helping to bring her to the earth with the call of thunder, her presence alone shaking the grounds where she lay.

At least some in the fray could afford to be so reckless… even after one had been devoured.

Though each was a presence fought as those taloned limbs scrambled for purchase against the slush of melted snow and mud. Digging in as smoke billowed and sightless gaze whipped toward those that lingered so near. Her jaws parting in hopes to snap against their flesh as they did to her yet as razor fangs reached for the limb of one, another arrow was knocked. However, an aim cannot remain true as a jolt of pain from seeping injury causes the boy to flinch. Arrow on teetered path even as it still manages to nick that queenly visage before falling gracelessly to the grounds below.

40/70 HP
35/50 SP
Injuries: Bitten + broken lower leg, clawing along thigh of same leg and partially on torso

53. he can't really move to get over there so 8| he just tries to shoot her again but it just grazes part of her cheek (-5 HP)

47/252 HP

RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Jahi - 04-03-2023

As Wendreda's health begins to decline, fear takes over, driving her into a frenzied state. The frenzy will end only after Wendreda has taken her last breath.

RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Naga - 04-03-2023

Her pain was unmistakable, the shrill cry resounding throughout the wilds around them.  As the beast began to sway, Naga was quick to move out of her way but the ground still rumbled beneath his feet, making him unsteady and unbalanced.  He leaned down to place his palm on the quivering earth to steady himself until the rumbling found its end.  With daggers in hand, Naga lurched forward, his thirsting blade attempting to strike at the tender underbelly.

There, it grazed slightly.  The beast kicked out its great leg preventing the blades from plunging deeper into her soft, vulnerable flesh and Naga jumped back in time to narrowly avoid the strike.

100/100 HP
70/70 SP
No wounds

53.  Knicks her belly.


RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Helayne - 04-03-2023

Hel looked in time to watch the flame-haired woman disappear, her injuries pulling her from the fray. From the treeline though two others took her place, a great beast of a werewolf and one she could only guess was vampiric judging by his speed. They slashed and tore at the female, the snap of her tendon an audible sickening pop in the clearing. Watching the wolf tear at the dragon’s flesh, she did not wish to risk her lightening again, afraid she may harm him. Instead, she watched the vampire slash at her belly, the beast jarring to the side to move away from him. It opened her opposing side though. Helayne raised her own blade again and slashes for her other side, ripping through the soft scales there, warm blood coating her hands as the beast roared.

Roll 96 - Full Hit - Stabbed her belly on the opposite side of Naga

HP 70/70
SP 45/50


RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Sergei - 04-03-2023

Once the brute applied the pressure the weight collapsed beneath him. Felt the earth shake when the chosen prey met the ground with a shrill cry as limbs thrashed about in an effort to shake the hound that remained latched on. Clung in hopes the scales would tear away… which they did. Purchase about that delicate throat slipped as he manuvered his own frame about her fallen one. Lost that hold temporarily as bloodied jaws parted once again to reclaim his seige upon the draconic titan. Within her throws of a battle against death, screeching as blades embedded into her abdomen, teeth all but clipped at the ripped portion of her throat. Caught the edge of an exposed flap of flesh beneath the hide as it came away within gnashing fangs.

120/120 HP
30/30 SP

Injuries: None
Action: [Roll 73, Partial] Snaps at neck again teehee, only gets a lil bit (-5 HP)

27/252 HP

RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Leslie - 04-03-2023

Earsplitting roar filled the air as blades marred her belly, a struggle to stand against the onslaught though there came no true need to strike. Wings shifting as she fought to right herself and shield the tenderest of flesh. It didn’t matter if a hound still clung as muscles moved against the snap of his fangs. Draconian neck craning before in a rush smoke streams fled that bloodied nose, swarmed against her great maw until sparks ignited and a searing rush of flames escaped between fangs. It mattered not to her who was hit so long as the beasts of her own hunt were driven back.

Everything happened in a rush, no longer did magic act against her majesty but in defense as with jerked motion magic tore at the earth alongside him in haphazard shield against the blaze. An action not done swiftly enough for before it can engulf him there comes a faltering of concentration as flames still licked. Though whatever pain might’ve been felt in places lay robbed in destruction of nerves, a blanking numb all that can fill his mind as eyes widen behind a mask. Even when the fire ceases there is little will to attempt moving. He could not join the fallen of his clan. Not like this… and yet it was so hard to keep his eyes open now.

5/70 HP
30/50 SP
Injuries: Bitten + broken lower leg, clawing along thigh of same leg and partially on torso, Severe burns on not-leg + arm of same side

95. uses earth for makeshift shield against the fire but an arm and his cronched not-leg still become rotisserie chicken

27/252 HP

RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Sergei - 04-03-2023

Heat rose within that throat. Sergei felt the sacs within expand beneath his seeking jaws and drew back temporarily as the flames arched into place. Singed the cusps of his powder coat and knew that type of heat well in the scars that decorated the visage of the beast. Didn’t care if more would be put into place though in falling back avoided knowing that same pain in how it erupted over the frame of a mortal weakling. Heard the whimper catch in the back of the lesser thing’s throat at a distance as a rounded ear twisted back to absorb the sound. Would’ve thrived more on such a small note if it had been drawn out by his own act of ill framed judgement.

Instead held focus on the thrashing beast before him, the soon to be carcass if he had anything to say about it. One that would be coming with him as a meal lest the rest of them wished to serve themselves as a side dish… an appetizer before the grand feast. Would continue to feed upon the other titan even should she begin to rot for carrion was still able to be consumed and swallowed down a gullet that claimed it were starved no matter how eagerly fangs once more closed about the dragon’s throat.

120/120 HP
30/30 SP

Injuries: None
Action: [Roll 52, Full] teehee lunges for ur throat again (-10 HP)

17/252 HP

RE: Obsidian Maw [Rare Event] - Leslie - 04-03-2023

Sights bleared behind the pain, an inability to find true focus as the world seemed to spin anew. Anything which remained of that rocky entombment crumbling back to the grounds it lay stolen from as concentration waned. The only thing a body wished to do now was give in to the sleep so craved, to allow itself to slip into blissful unawareness. No longer worry over a hunter becoming the hunted whether it be by the beauty before him or one known before. And yet the resounding cries of the draconic still manage to pierce his cerebrum, break through that blanketed haze, rouse a mind just enough to keep it partially in tune to what still transpired around him.

He could not see how the hound still tore away at softened scales and tender flesh nor how the blades of others carved their ways against flesh. In truth it didn’t matter but deep down he craved the silence to finally engulf him. Magic is wavering, unsteady as it comes in desperate plea against the marshen soil. Moisture tugged at in hopes to form a needle thin tendril before it would lash, piercing through each of the stunning creature’s blinded orbs. Seeking the depths of her skull yet unknowing if it would ever reach in full.

5/70 HP
25/50 SP
Injuries: Bitten + broken lower leg, clawing along thigh of same leg and partially on torso, Severe burns on leg + arm of same side

87. harpoons through wendreda’s blinded eyeballs with a water needle (-20 HP)

0/252 HP >:| SHE DED