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Place To Call Home - Printable Version +- Hemlock & Lace (https://hemlock-rpg.com) +-- Forum: Vufrien (https://hemlock-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Forum: Kaisermont (https://hemlock-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14) +--- Thread: Place To Call Home (/showthread.php?tid=112) Pages:
Place To Call Home - Morana - 09-04-2022 "And I said, a dead prostitute." The man laughs like the joke he told was indeed hilarious when it was in poor taste. Morana kept her face blank like it was made of porcelain and not flesh. Mr. Blake Barkly had been in her shop several times in an attempt to hold a conversation and each time she had managed to cut it. Today, he was a talker and wouldn't allow a single word from her. So, she takes inventory of her stock - candies, simple remedies and household products. Items that gave a reason why people came in for her specialty rather than buying soap. A string of murders had been happening around the city, and not of her doing. It put Morana on edge. The needles closer than ever, and she had gone so far as to nail the windows shut. Doors locked and barred at the end of the night. From what the newspaper said, it's the killings of a random man killing the same type of woman - dark hair, unmarried and lives alone. She wouldn't be a victim. "And, I said–" "Mr. Barkly, you've said enough this morning. If you're not here to purchase something, please leave. I have tasks to do that require my full attention," Morana says in the most polite way possible. "Miss Winters, surely you've grown bored of this pretend play. I can take care of you. My servants–" "Do everything for a man raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. I have no love nor want for such a useless thing. If you were kicked to the Wilds, you would die the first day from stupidity. Probably from eating poison berries." "Miss Winters–" Morana turns to face him. Her eyes glaring at the man wearing clothes paid in coins he did not earn. "No, Mr. Barkly. I know you're wooing every unmarried woman within the city because it'll get your smooth hands on your father's money quicker. I ask that you leave now." "Or what?" She sets her clipboard down and grabs the man by his coat. Morana drags him to the front door, opening it and throwing the man into the muddy streets. Mr. Barkly cries in anguish as his clothes are dirtied and his pride wounded by the woman. "You are banned from my shop. Come here again and I'll have you arrested," she says. She would rather have him dead, but she'll take what she can get. RE: Place To Call Home - Vali - 09-04-2022 Codrin remained at camp this day, as Vali had a task in mind. He was on a mission, really, and wanted to make sure his companion was completely safe. He made sure his bucket was full of clean water, a bushel of apples and hay strewn out for convenience, and a pat on the thick neck of the steed to reassure him. "Be back. Stay." It was not often that Vali left Codrin alone, but he had full confidence in his friend to run away if something were to go astray while he was gone. A happy nicker from the shire was offered as he dove first for the apples - his favorite treat. And with that, Vali transformed easily into a quadrupedal wolf for easier traversing. His dark mocha coat accented beautiful with bright creams and chocolates made it so that he was quite striking in this form, and one he hardly used, so it would be a great opportunity to get comfortable in this skin. He began his trek toward the city, following the light scent of Morana, keeping her in mind as he had thought over her offer. Vali hadn’t seen her around the wilds so he meandered to find her. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too forward. His goal was to remain concealed and scope out the place, spy a little, and then come back to camp to retrieve Codrin. Unless, of course, something didn’t look or feel right. It took some time to get there, but by briskly jogging or running, this wolf form brought him to city much quicker than walking as a human would. When he arrived, he slipped around in the shadows, walking only when shrouded, remaining silent. He meandered this way until he located her shop, where a man was just then tossed out, and Morana showed herself. She looked pissed off, the man hollering things Vali couldn’t understand. Ocean eyes watched intently, ready to spring forth from the shadows to take him smooth out. But he stayed his lethal paws and jaws, letting the man teeter off in shock. What had he done to upset Morana in such a way? She was such a nice person, especially to cruel Vali, so that man must have done something unspeakable, for that much Vali was sure. He’d commit the man to memory in case he decided to kill him later. He took this chance to walk to her shop doors now, openly, still within his wolf stature. As she’d turn to walk back into the building, he let a low gruff escape, watching her to see how she might react. RE: Place To Call Home - Morana - 09-04-2022 Morana sees a large shadowy figure cloak her own as she stands in the center of the store. She turns to see the dark furred wolf and narrows her eyes at it. "If you're here seeking a cure for your problems, I have none. I don't do handouts or charity. If you're looking for work, head to the docks. Otherwise, leave," she commands. Unafraid of the large creature despite knowing what the wolf is capable of doing to her. Briefly, she looks away to return behind the counter. Her pink dress with a stained beige apron flowing behind her. It hugs her figure in an attractive manner besetting a lower class woman. Black hair held up in a bun with several strands loose and framing her pale face. The needles' large and waiting to be used to puncture a vein if need be. Red eyes look to him as one hand touches the silver dagger under the counter. "What? Haven't seen a woman before?" RE: Place To Call Home - Vali - 09-05-2022 Morana didn’t recognize him. He could understand, she’d only seen his bipedal form. Similar, but not too much so. She threatened him, but he took no offense. He transformed easily, not wanting to cause her more unrest. Changing back to his human form, he put his hands up nonchalantly. "No trouble, just Vali." He tried to smile. It was broken and lopsided, but sincere. He stepped closer, naked, but it wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen before. He also lacked the social construct to give a damn. "This…home?" He asked, letting his hands gesture to the entire building now. He took a moment to look around, a large hand moving to touch a jar of…something. He looked at it curiously. He sniffed at it, his brows furrowing. "Morana…so smart. Know these things to sell," Gently the wolf man set the jar down, then looked back to Morana, wondering just what her next move was. RE: Place To Call Home - Morana - 09-05-2022 Morana’s eyes widen as the wolf shapeshifts into Vali. Her eyes soften, and hand removes itself from the dagger. She shakes her head at his antics as though he was a child, and not a muscular adult. “Silly man.” She walks over and looks at the jar he just moved. “Unless you have pain you want to get rid of, I suggest not drinking that. It’s Laudanum, and all the mothers want it to quiet their children. They’re a bigger headache than the screaming babies.” She walks over to the front door to lock it and flip the sign to ‘closed.’ “There, now, come with me, naked man. I’m sure the gossip hens will spread the rumor quicker than you can get up those stairs. Especially that Barkly fellow.” Morana chatters away as she guides him upstairs to her apartment. The building itself wasn’t large, which was fine for the smaller woman. Now, it felt cramped when adding a tall werewolf to the mix. The entrance walks right into the living room; sparsely decorated and would make anyone from the higher class frown at the lack of possessions. There’s a couch near the fireplace with a basket filled with knitting needles and yarn. An old wooden table with medical books with bookmarks sticking out on all ends. Heavy curtains drawn to the sides to allow sunlight into the room, and block any chill air once winter arrives. She takes him to the right hallway then the first door on the left - a bedroom with only a bed and chest at the end. “Had I known you were arriving, I would’ve set up the room for you. If you’re staying, that is.” Morana moves to the chest and opens it; the old hinges make a terrible noise. She pulls out several pieces of men’s clothing and gathers them in her arms before standing. “Hopefully these will fit. They belonged to the woman who sold me the place. Her husband was a giant of a man and no one wanted his clothes.” She sets them on the bed. “You can walk around naked in the Wilds, but not here. You’ll be arrested and then become a caged animal.” She walks over to him and puts her hands on his cheeks to rub them. “And no one wants to be trapped in a cage.” She wants her hands down and pats his chest. “How is Codrin? I assume since I’m not hearing any noise you didn’t bring him. I take it you’re declining my offer to move in?” RE: Place To Call Home - Vali - 09-05-2022 Vali was indeed slow in terms of conversation, but he always kept up with comprehension…for the most part. He followed her willingly, no qualms about it, and listened well. He slipped into the pants she offered him, but hesitated on the shirt. His scarred up, tanned, well sculpted torso remained naked. He leaned into her touch, and as she asked about Codrin and if he declined, he shook his head a moment. "Wanted to…check this out," He looked around, turning to walk by a window and look down at the streets. "So strange," He murmured. How did they live so…confined? So restricted by law and rules? Could he fit in? He turned again to look at Morana. "Codrin is at camp, but can get him later." Now he strode toward her, long legs eating up the floor in elongated strides. A hand reached for her hair, hoping to take a piece of a long strand and feel the softness between his rough fingers. "Want to try it for … a while," There was lust, his body ached for her, but he respected her. He wouldn’t force himself, and while he didn’t know much about social cues, he liked her well enough not to be so crass. And so, the usually persistent male, let it end at just trying to caress her hair. "Show me stable?" He wanted to check it out first, to see where Codrin would be staying. RE: Place To Call Home - Morana - 09-05-2022 Morana pauses as Vali touches her hair. They’ve briefly exchanged skin-on-skin contact before, but this one is different. She knows how fragile she is compared to him, and watching his large hand touch her reminded her of it. Now knowing he’s a werewolf solidified how dangerous of a man she’s invited into her home. But, it’ll be to her benefit, she reasons. He’ll keep the thieves and idiots away with his large presence added with the ease of which she can use him for labor. Course, it’s in exchange for food and a bed (who wouldn’t want that?) but he is a man and men crave flesh. Perhaps if one of the working girls at the brothel comes by, she can direct Vali’s attention onto them instead. At this request, she smiles. “Of course, but you need to put on a shirt and shoes first. Otherwise, they’ll find you deranged. I’m sure I have boots for you as well.” She leaves his touch and returns to the chest. Inside are several piles of garments, accessories and footwear. Pulling out boots with worn socks, she hands it to Vali. “Once you put these on, I’ll show you the stables. Meet me downstairs. I need to hang my apron up.” Morana returns downstairs and steps into the backroom hidden behind a door. It’s where she does most of her work. The room smelled heavily of herbs. She hangs up her apron, grabbing a shawl and coin purse before exiting to the main room. She thinks if Vali behaves, she’ll purchase a treat for him; train the dog so to speak. RE: Place To Call Home - Vali - 09-05-2022 She allowed him the touch, and he was grateful. As if it satiated a depraved beast inside. He couldn’t see himself harming her, or manhandling her, in his mind - she was a friend. She was definitely nice to look at and fantasize about, sure, but a friend nonetheless. And as most wolves, Vali was extremely loyal once it was gained of him. He nodded along and did as she instructed, she knew what was best on the streets anyway. The clothes felt strange on his skin, but it would be something he would have to tolerate. Even after she had departed downstairs, he stayed upstairs a moment in the room she had introduced to him. He put a hand on the bed, sat, and eventually laid his head back on it. It was … soft. Comfortable. Like sleeping on air. He wasn’t used to this. The last time he had a bed was… well, never. He wondered, would Codrin experience this type of luxury too? He raised then, moving swiftly down the steps and to Morana. He looked to the woman, a broken smile given. "Am ready," He probably looked strange. He definitely felt strange. But it was something to experience, and he was ready to take it all in. RE: Place To Call Home - Morana - 09-06-2022 Morana smiles at Vali. "If you decide to stay, we'll get more comfortable clothes for you. I can see you already itching to shred them." She takes a moment to straighten his clothing and adjust the buttons. "You look handsome. I'm sure you'll have women swooning over you in no time." She guides them out the front door and locks it behind her. Taking an arm into hers, she walks in the direction of exiting the city. It's still early in the day. People racing about getting errands done. Chattering echoing down the alleyways and tunnels. Horse and carriage buggies trotting down the cobblestone paths. Heavy clouds block the sun allowing a layer of chill in the air. Morana looks up at her companion. "What have you been up to since last we met? Hunting, I assume." Children race down the sidewalks shouting at each other. There's a boy by every newsstand waving a newspaper repeating the headline to sell. Morana strokes Vali's arm. "You must've been busy. You're more muscular than before." It's a bit of a walk, but they come upon the stables on the outskirts. Wooden and well kept by the stable master. A wagon filled with hay is being unloaded and into the stables. The sounds of other horses neighing can be heard. A young farm hand is bringing in buckets of water from a nearby stream to fill the water bins. Morana walks them inside the stables. "What do you think?" RE: Place To Call Home - Vali - 09-06-2022 It felt nice, her touch against his well chiseled arm. His body was made of wood and labor, years of being alone and surviving in the Wilds, having to fend for himself since a boy. And so when she took his arm in hers and caressed it gently, it calmed him in a way he could not explain. He listened, mainly, as she spoke, nodding when needed. He watched as kids played, the population bustling about. He wondered what they had to do, what their daily tasks involved. Did they need to go hunting? Did they need to check traps? Forage for nuts and berries, or go picking apples and peaches? They seemed too well dressed for that. He struggled to understand the differences in his life and theirs, but he was curious. That meant something, right? He looked to Morana as she asked about hunting. This was a topic he was passionate about, and this was a time he wished he could fully physically explain his expertise in trapping and his lack there of with hunting. "Trap…can’t hunt in…human," His free hand gestured to his human figure. "Wolf yes, human no. Stick to trapping, how survived," Learning to snag his prey when he wasn’t around was much easier for him, he often lost patience when actually hunting. She could teach him poisons, tonics, cures, all of it. He could teach her trapping and proper foraging techniques, although, she was smart. She may already know all of that. In no time, they reached the stable, and in that moment Vali became totally serious. He inspected everything, each nook and every single cranny. As they entered, he gently broke away from her entrancing grasp and stood outside of an empty stall. He inspected the latches, the conditions, and touched the wood. He sniffed at the paint, he even gave a lick to the water. After he was satisfied with that, he moved onto the next stall. This one was occupied, a gorgeous chestnut mare stood in it. He smiled, lifting a hand to her muzzle and making a clicking noise with his tongue. "Codrin…think you’re pretty," Thought of his friend made him miss the shire, but he knew they could retrieve him this evening, and so he didn’t fret much. He looked back at Morana while still standing with the mare. "Beautiful," He gestured to the steed, then gave her a goodbye pat on the neck and continued on with his investigation. "Codrin get…outside time?" Or would he always be locked away in the stable? This was crucial. Vali had to know. |