Hemlock & Lace
Falling, Fallen - Printable Version

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Falling, Fallen - Ethel - 02-21-2022

They were far from home.  Her home.  The land of her birth, the place of her rearing.  In all of Ethel Markai's nineteen years, Rophuin's vast lands were all she'd known.  She'd become intimately attached to its wharves, to its travelers, to the house where she danced without a care in the world. 

Now, however, they were far, far away from the cobbled streets of her bitter-sweet memories.  Vile recollections of a father that cared more for the glisten of a coin than his own daughter's delighted gaze.  A mother whose glazed iris bespoke her altered state of mind where naught but euphoria dwelled.  Parents who had sold her off to the highest bidder without a second thought after cutting her loose, giving Ethel that sweet sip of freedom only to so cruelly poison the cup. 

At least her husband was a quiet man, a man who quite thoroughly enjoyed his peace and solitude.  Dimitris Markai hadn't raised his voice nor his palm out of volatile rage or sadistic pleasure - both of which Ethel initially feared upon hearing that she was to wed.

Ethel thought of him now as she moved across the earth still chilled with the frosts of winters waining breath.  Though the solstice had passed, the nip of the snowy season still billowed from her nostrils and the slight part of her ruby-red lips.  They tugged into a smile, pushing up the round curve of freckled cheeks - powdered slightly with a hint of innocent pink. 

Gentle, girlish hands gave the much larger, calloused digits a squeeze as they moved in the familiar stride of a waltz. 

"You've improved so much, Mr. Reade."  Her voice was a delighted murmur that seemingly stirred something boyish and pure for the rugged man's cheeks burned like the coals of a distant fire.  It was wicked to enjoy such things, but Ethel thrived on it.

Perhaps that's why she got along with her husband so well these days.  Seeing him flush in much the same way - she nearly giggled at the thought.

"O-Only because you're a great teacher."  It was pride she felt swell within her breast.  If nothing else, at least she'd been able to make a living here in her husbands' domain, the land where he was born, the land where they would stay.  Though it wasn't much compared to his work, it was enough to suffice, to sustain.

‘All that we see or seem’,
‘Is but a dream within a dream.

RE: Falling, Fallen - Dimitris - 02-22-2022

Things were quiet here, much more so than he had expected. In the years since his departure, the lands had changed wildly and unforeseen. While he wasn't adverse to change, he couldn't say he agreed with this trail, to say the least. The once somewhat balanced and segregated lands had become a warzone in his balance, in family slain in the process and the lands he had once called home seized by their continental neighbors. Likewise had those of the vampiric blood arisen to power, humans cast aside from what was once their own country. The Red Queen, as she was now known, had barely made her way to the throne when he had been shipped off over seas on a fevered chase for his lord. Vufrien had been hale and whole.

Perhaps the unease of their situation was what caused him to find the almost peaceful surroundings so off-putting. His nerves, his paranoia didn't afford him to rest so easily as some of those who made their lives here now. Maybe it was the knowing, or the not knowing that ate away at him as he poised against the building in the shade it cast. The space between thumb and index rested under his jaw while the calloused pad of his thumb rubbed slowly against his chin in musing. He'd taken up the mantle of a guard for now, a temporary regalia that he'd assumed since their mad traverse from the docks of Kaisermont. From the impression he'd gleaned of Sanctuary, it was to be a purely human settlement. Tucked far within the mountains, away from prying eyes of the blood crazed overlord's and offering independence to those who didn't seek the protection of lycans. Eventually, the price of that temporary safety would come with the flames of war.

But this was simply a massacre waiting to happen in its current state.

"-so much, Mr. Reade." The vocals dripped across his senses and drew his attention, light hair slipping over his gaze as he turned it towards the pair. Thumb stilled in its movement as he watched their waltz, sharp in its observations. "O-Only because you're a great teacher." She loved to dance, a striking thing he had noted right away from their very first encounter. That's why he kept his silence, and his distance despite the vague glower he had unknowingly and bitterly affixed. He shook his head slightly, arm slipping away from its idle pose as instead he turned.

For now, he'd survey the perimeter of the settlement, a decision made as he hefted the heavy scabbard of his great sword over his shoulder, along with his usual rucksack of supplies. If he was lucky, he'd find no real disturbances or threats and he would return with a bounty of meats and furs. While other hunters were certainly abound in the area, he had a certain advantage over them. These were the inclinations he turned to instead. He had no love or eye for the more delicate of arts, and he certainly didn't want to think of Mr. Reade. A dangerous past time, really. 

RE: Falling, Fallen - Ethel - 02-22-2022

Their allotted time drew to its close, its fated finale, the end of their practice waltz. Preparations for the upcoming ball - a return to normalcy the people of Sanctuary so violently craved. Sashaying bodies moved to the last hum of Ethel's soft tempo before they'd inevitably part. His hand had been much more reluctant to release its hold on her hip and the more supple, lithe digits of her hand. Digits that pulled up the hem of her skirts when she'd bow into a curtsy, a silent thanks to her partner for their dance. Mr. Reade, however, seemed occupied elsewhere. The direction of his stare surpassed the curve of her shoulder.

A world of his own, perhaps? But when Ethel followed the older man's gaze she was met with a surprisingly familiar silhouette. A dark shadow, unnerving and crass, burly and stalwart, and every inch the man whose ring hung loosely beneath the cover of her chemise.

"I've seen that man here before just watching you. Perhaps it would be best if I escort you home, Miss Ethel. To ensure that he won't hurt you." Instead of concern, Ethel greeted him with warmth and comfort. A smile that was all charm - her usual graces.

"I assure you, Mr. Reade, that he is no threat. If you'll excuse me, I believe our session is done for today. Will you require further teaching next week?" Ethel tilted her head as she regarded him, watched as he nodded, and reached out when he offered her a satchel of the promised coin.

Her steps were nearly jubilant hops as she followed the trail of her husband and his towering figure. Limber arms flung behind her back held in place by the lacing of her fingers. It was likely that he'd come to let her know that he was off for more work. While Ethel hadn't expected him to remain, hadn't expected that he'd invite her along for this journey, she did appreciate that he did let her know when he'd be gone. It was oddly... comforting. In some ways, she felt herself growing more at ease around him.

Perhaps a little... too at ease. A lithe hand reached out in an attempt to gingerly pinch the curve of his backside before hastily jumping to the side, away from arms reach. "Leaving your wife again, hm? Tsk tsk. She might get lonely without you, you know."

‘All that we see or seem’,
‘Is but a dream within a dream.

RE: Falling, Fallen - Dimitris - 02-23-2022

He was dimly aware of footfalls behind him, though he paid them little mind until the pinch at his hip. A scowl fixed itself to his features as he turned sharply to look at the aggressor, finding no other than the lithe dancer hastily retreating from his side, the blind one at that. A cheap, dirty trick. "Leaving your wife again, hm?" Her words chastised lightly, and he tilted his head slightly, arms crossing over the breadth of his chest as he peered down at her mischievous expression. He still wasn't certain if she had become familiar with the term, or merely jesting as he never used it over her. "Tsk tsk. She might get lonely without you, you know."

His stare shifted beyond her, back towards the square she had been instructing in. Where her last student still hovered in what seemed uncertainty. "Seems as though someone would be glad to keep you company." He made the observation lightly. He didn't know why the fellow seemed to follow him with his deeply furrowed brow and astute observation as if he were a blight upon his garden. As far as he was aware, he'd given none here reason to suspect him for anything, though perhaps his distance was what made them suspicious in the end. Many had grown relaxed with his company. He'd heard them note him as different and strange, but they no longer seemed to watch him over their shoulder to ensure he departed a room. The aid of his skills had added value to that claim of trustworthiness as well, but this one...

He allowed a sigh to leave him as he shook his head slightly. He had his doubts the man held recognition for him, but maybe he was wrong. If he did recall him at all, well. That may be a problem for him staying here. "The settlement seems to be getting along well." He shifted the topic after a moment, uncertainty lingering upon his tongue. She often pressed him for conversation, not uncomfortably so, but in the same breath far more than what he had ever been accustomed to giving. "Anything in particular people seem to need?" She was here much more than he, and far more involved in the affairs of the town folk. She enjoyed their company, from what he had seen. New faces, fresh and in need of her jovial, warm spirit. While she had seemed to favor the sea before, he hoped that she could be just as at home here, eventually. While the waves rocked the shores of Kaisermont, so too did the impended knocking of Crue's iron fist. The land she had come from had become far too hazardous for her liking, and upon escape his own homeland, once stable and as formidable as their mountainous surroundings had crumbled in his absence. Though he supposed that even the stone that built Vufrien was as susceptible to weathering and erosion as any other.

But he wouldn't see her in chains. She'd been the first aside from his father's contact to treat him like a real person. The first he knew had been in genuine and not some forced tradition for whatever reason. While there was a fondness for the bejeweled noble, he was... eccentric in some ways. Especially his love of glimmering gold and the finer things in life. he wasn't sure how she personally felt towards riches, though she seemed far more content in the dancing hall and in the tiny cottage tucked away in the woods than in the lavish of her father's mansion. She had felt like a prisoner to the dainty grandeur. Regardless, hers was a kindness he wouldn't see wasted or become cold and empty. "Do you need anything? Want anything?" He settled alas, knowing well that she was included in whatever 'others' may need, but wanting to ensure she knew such a thing. After all, he wasn't the best with words.

RE: Falling, Fallen - Ethel - 02-24-2022

It was fair to say - on all accounts - that it was indeed quite wry and twisted, playfully mischievous, even, the way Ethel's lips curled beneath the glower of his stare.  Hers glistened in return, the pale vision of a pixie, an imp in woman's clothing.  The little devil seemed to wither, however, when Dimitris turned his attention away and back towards the square where her lessons were held.  It wasn't much in terms of pay but where it lacked in wages, it was enough to busy her mind when Dimitris was away on work.  Was that where he'd been intending to go?  She mused, observing the sword on his back and the dress of his leathers.  The familiar image of a man strapped for battle.

"Seems as though someone would be glad to keep you company."  Ethel perked her head, her gaze following the turning silhouette of her client. 

"Who, Mr. Reade?"  Bewilderment marked her words, laced her face, and was quickly betrayed by her light chuckle.  "He's a little too... old for my taste.  I do have standards y'know."  The gentleman had been nothing but kind to anyone he met; all with one exception.  Everyone had their limits and Mr. Reade was noninclusive.  This session would be the first time he'd voice them.  He disliked Dimitris.

Sure, Dimitris was a blunt man whose mind was loosed without regard - a man who didn't seem to understand the nuances of sarcasm or a teasing joke.  He was learning, though slowly, and Ethel knew that deep within his broad chest beat a heart that cared far more for others than for itself.  Even now when he asked about the settlement, about her, there wasn't a selfish inclination in his tone.  In their short time here in Sanctuary, Dimitris had already provided so much in the ways of fresh meat and winter furs to keep most of the town safe during these cold days.

Ethel rested the tip of her finger on the jut of her chin as they walked.  Her other hand crossed beneath the swell of her breasts and tucked beneath the bend of her elbow.  "Hmm... let me think."  Soft murmur flowed as she recalled the recent events of those she knew here.

"Dailry's husband got attacked by some beast.  He ain't been the same since - all mangled and bedridden.  I think they could use more food until he gets back on his feet."  If he gets back on his feet.  The grim thought made her shudder, made her lower her hand to cradle the opposite elbow and look at Dimitris with a glance of concern.

"As for me...  what I want..."  Ethel trailed off for a moment and looked down at the road beneath them.  What if that had been him?  What if he didn't make it back?  "I want you to come home safely."  Her voice was soft and somber, an echo that was very much unlike her.

‘All that we see or seem’,
‘Is but a dream within a dream.


RE: Falling, Fallen - Dimitris - 02-25-2022

Her expression of twisted delight faded almost quickly as he had made reference to her last dance partner, the one that had lingered behind to cast him an undiscernible stare. He tilted his head, vaguely, pondering if he'd done something wrong, or if there was something beyond those words. He tensed slightly at the notion, a tight feeling coiling within his chest as he shifted his weight slightly, arms remaining crossed as he watched the figure turn and begin to retreat. He had told her to do as she pleased, he reminded himself, though she still called herself his wife. A bewildering notion kept to himself considering the absence of her ring.

"Who, Mr. Reade?" she paused, her girlish features drawn in a thoughtful pout before loosening with a bubble of laughter. "He's a little too... old for my taste.  I do have standards y'know."  A thoughtful hum left him, followed by a moment of silence. Too old? How on in years was the man? He'd paid little heed to him before this day, but even as he witnessed the retreat, he oft caught the fellow sneaking glances at them over his shoulder only to hurriedly turn away when he found the wolf returning his attention. "Mm, so that's his name?" He posed after a time, allowing his arms to slip away from their closing position and his stare to turn back to her.

She seemed lost in thought, finger tapping at her jaw as she mulled over his askance. "Dailry's husband got attacked by some beast.  He ain't been the same since - all mangled and bedridden.  I think they could use more food until he gets back on his feet." A deep frown carved itself into his features. "A beast?" Though he didn't doubt the claim, it was still unnerving to think that such a thing could happen so close to the borders he strove to upkeep. Unless the man had wandered out into the wilds, another inclination bringing a light grimace to his features. "How far away was he attacked? Do you know?" The wilds of Vufrien were far from safe. Wildlife, predator and prey alike had sought refuge from the night stalkers within the forests and savagery of the mountains. Not only the... tamer fauna, but it was no surprise to find feral lycans lurking the passes as well, and if he was bitten by one... He would have to find the perpetrator in question, as well as assess the condition of the man himself.

"As for me...  what I want..." Her vocals drew him back from the methodical plan he was beginning to etch out, there was something... off about her demeanor however. Her eyes fell from him, peering steadfastly at the earth beneath her feet. This was far from the bright and impish girl content to torment him mere moments before. "I want you to come home safely." Her answer was soft, quiet and unexpected. His eye would widen slightly, his cheeks tinged with soft pink before it was now his turn to avert his gaze, though he couldn't help the ghost of a smile that turned his mouth in crooked expression. "Would you prefer if I stayed awhile, then?" The words were a soft rumble, hushed and tinged with vague uncertainty.

RE: Falling, Fallen - Ethel - 02-26-2022

Blood. Screams. Death. A river of destruction, a howling cry of devastation. Ethel recalled the wail of Dailry's agony at the vision of her husband torn and bleeding on the cold cobble road. The gurgle of his chest; the wheeze of his breath. It, however, paled in comparison to the woman whose lover lay dead beside him. A grizzly sight for anyone to bear - macabre horror manifest. He'd been robbed of his arm and half of his abdomen as if some great beast bit into his skin. Their bodies were decorated in various slashes that were nearly uniform as if raked by some great mountain cat only... larger. Ethel shuddered at the memory of that night.

"Somethin' big and strong enough to tear a man's arm clean off his shoulder." Ethel hugged herself as if that frail little motion was enough to stave away the visceral vision. "Don't know of any human capable of that."

"How far away was he attacked? Do you know?" She shook her head. "Don't know that, either."

She listened to the gravel and the dirt grind beneath her feet. Feet that were dressed in soft leather slippers. Feet that followed in line with his much larger, booted stride. He wouldn't answer. There was part of her that had resigned to the inevitable silence which would accompany them on this journey - wherever it was they were going. The other, however, prayed he wouldn't let it come to that. She liked it when he talked and let slip that sliver of himself that only she could be privy to. Was it selfish?

Of course, he surprised her, offering an answer; offering to stay. Bemusement glistened behind the silver of her iris hastily risen to his petal-kissed face. Addling confusion that quickly cocooned and burst into unkempt delight. She nodded first forcing auburn curls to tickle the curve of her naked shoulder. Soft simper couldn't be contained as it pushed her cheeks up.

"If I said yes, would you?" Ethel let her arms fall to either side of her hips while her gaze pressed for the answer.

‘All that we see or seem’,
‘Is but a dream within a dream.

RE: Falling, Fallen - Dimitris - 02-26-2022

She seemed taken aback by something, something he was sure had to do with the attack she spoke of. Her entire frame tensed, her arms locking around herself as off to comfort the growing unease she suffered under. Had she been there to witness the atrocity first hand? By her denial of knowledge over the location, he was sure she hadn’t, though it probably didn’t save her from witnessing the after math. Again, his hands curled under his chin in deliberate thought as she went into sparse new detail over the incident, thumb rubbing once more against the hard curvature of his jaw set into a distinguished frown.

Strong enough to tear a man’s arm off. A low grunt left him in thoughtful consideration. Of course he immediately knew of two candidates that would suit such a claim, though to narrow it down, he needed more. A feat he wasn’t quite willing to pressure her with considering her current state. The lapse of her own person as she seemed to fall into a dark space between the cracks of her normally blithe and cheerful self. He would settle and opt to ask others about it later, he supposed. Though he was also I’ll at ease to allow the problem to persist. If it were a case of lycanthropy, it was a willing shift in form, or simple brute force, marking it as an attack of malice rather than an instinctual sense of protection.

However, such thoughts pressed themselves aside as her jubilant expression returned to the forefront at his offer. Had he not been as reserved as he was, perhaps he would have even teased her. Reade was too old, but he wasn’t? Such jabs, however, were wasted on him. Instead, he merely gave her a slight nod, the heavy weight of his hand selling atop her crown of auburn curls in a light ghosting touch before drawing away. ” Of course.” The word left him easily, softly. ”You’ve just never asked me to before.” The words were more an observation, a soft hint of concern. Was it fear? Was she afraid that whatever monstrosity this beast  was would find the town and attack them here? With her tentative hopefulness, she did seem more at ease, her arms dripping from cradling her vulnerability to relaxing once again at her sides. A good sign, one that kept the edges of his mouth upturned slightly in the resonance of a smile to match her own far more exuberant one.

He shrugged his shoulders, rolling the pack and sword against his back idly as he shifted his weight. ”Is there anything you need to do?” came the inquiry, a bit at odds as to what he would spend such time of leisure doing. In recent days especially, he was accustomed to busying himself endlessly. There was always work to be done around Sanctuary. There was such precious little time to be idle and share in the complacency of the human kin that dwelled there. Maybe it was just something in his blood that made him so restless, a poison of ill feeling that latched into his bones and refused to let go. One that was only fueled further by the news that there had in fact been an attack. That a man may die from it. Before he knew it, he had opened his mouth, to say what, he was unsure. A low sigh of borderline frustration left instead, a slight shake off his head. ”I’ll need to speak with Dailry as well I suppose. I’ll have to do something about that beast.” Because left unchecked, the hunter would grow bolder, and that wasn’t a thing he was willing to chance. ” You don’t have to come, if you don’t want.” he added, reminded of her earlier display.

Pls ignore any typos :uwu:

RE: Falling, Fallen - Ethel - 02-27-2022

Would it really have been that simple? A question, nay, a well-placed request that he did not leave her to her own devices. Truly a lethal concept in and of itself. Ethel had spent these last few weeks attempting to gather her bearings in this foreign place. Klewyth. It was unlike the familiar shores of Rophuin where she could spend her idle time sewing dresses for the other dancers or even enjoying a cup of tea with Lidget. The people here were far more guarded, a constant aegis aimed at any wayward stare or a gentle smile. Smiles. Those were rare here too. Ethel's, however, was not.

She showed it to him now, wide and rapt beneath the flickering caress of his calloused hand. "Cause you're your own man, wolf. Bein' so, I like lettin' you do as you please." Something she felt he didn't get enough of before their marriage.

He'd been a tool, a pawn on the chessboard of politics. A being who was born to bear the brunt of his sire's whim and blade. While Dimitris didn't speak openly about it - or ever, really - it was something Ethel picked up on during their brief conversations. He wasn't accustomed to making his own choices; they were made for him. She wanted to give him the opportunity to flourish, to grow into his own man, his own being, his own thought that was controlled by no lord or king. She wanted him to be himself above all things no matter who that self turned out to be.

"Is there anything you need to do?" His question pulled her out of the mess that her thoughts were becoming and she'd offer him a sheepish grin.

"Hmm." A lithe finger tapped a rhythm of vague meditation upon her chin. "Nothin' terribly excitin', I'm afraid. Though..." She'd trail off, returning her stare to the path ahead of them. "Maybe if'n you're up to it... maybe you could teach me how to use a sword sometime."

But his mind trailed back to the threat at hand howling beyond the walls of Sanctuary. He offered to go it alone to which Ethel gingerly shook her head in refusal. She'd already witnessed the damage of the beast, the savagery it was capable of inflicting. She wouldn't let the older woman suffer the recounting alone. "As fate would have it, I did promise Dailry that I'd swing by with some sweets for the little ones. Just a little somethin' to lighten their spirits."

‘All that we see or seem’,
‘Is but a dream within a dream.

RE: Falling, Fallen - Dimitris - 02-28-2022

"Cause you're your own man, wolf. Bein' so, I like lettin' you do as you please." Her answer was somewhat unexpected, though in their time together, he had learned that she was quite the exuberant supporter of freedom. Another thing he had feared to rob her of, to change her setting, the one she had known for the majority - if not all - of her life. It was jarring, uprooting. Though in the end, the hope of safety had won out and she had chosen to accompany him across the sea after all. Only for them to meet equally oppressed features upon the landing of the coast of Kaiser. No matter which they had chosen, chaos and strife were ever looming upon the horizon. An ill omen.

However, with the news of the settlement of Sanctuary, he had dared to hope that she could at least be spared some of the maladies the land around them faced. He hoped that she could gain her bearings again, that they would accept her as easily as the people he'd known once had. he himself was... behind on recent happenings. How long had it been now since he'd been sent away? Since he'd departed the creaking, rocking wharfs of the seaside city? A thoughtful hum accompanied his consideration of her sentiment. "Well, it would seem I'll have more of a chance to do that now." Had he been better inclined, perhaps his voice would have cracked or some sense of emotion would bleed into his words, but as it was, the words were easily brushed aside as passive. Not saying that his home was no longer his home. In truth, he had taken great liberty to do as he pleased since his return. Which was...

He cast a slight glance at her. While he was not always at her side, he had quietly remained close, an unspoken hope that she would still have the freedom that she craved but he could be near enough to keep an eye on her, the wilds that surrounded them being far more savage and dangerous than the market stalls of her dance house. Such as this beast, for precisely the point he had needed to convince himself. "Hmm." She hummed, and from the corner of his stare, he watched her tap her soft countenance. "Nothin' terribly excitin', I'm afraid. Though..." A quelled simper lifted the edges of his mouth once more. Did she think the tasks needed to be exhilarating? If he was to be honest, simply strolling down the paths of the main town would be... welcome. A reprieve. "Maybe if'n you're up to it... maybe you could teach me how to use a sword sometime." Brows would lift slightly at her request. "Teach you?" Despite his normally dull tone, there was a creeping edge of anxiousness that lingered beneath the repetition. There was only one way he knew how to learn such an art: the way he was taught. A burden he wouldn't place upon her. "I... don't want to hurt you." He added cautiously.

Thankfully, she humored his inquiry. "As fate would have it, I did promise Dailry that I'd swing by with some sweets for the little ones. Just a little somethin' to lighten their spirits." He gave a vague nod, agreeing with the sentiment. The man had been one of the few that could aid in providing stability for the others. Such a loss would be a heavy blow to the community. Perhaps he could enlist the aid of Aariak. Though.... despite his friendship with the undead, he was uncertain as to bringing him to the safe city of humanity. "Would you like to go pick some up for them?" He offered. "I can bring them back meat, but do they need other things?" He hesitated briefly, his cheeks reddening softly. "Do you want anything? A new dress? Shoes?"