Hemlock & Lace
young blood - Printable Version

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young blood - Adnali - 03-05-2023

Something stirred across the border, something that flushed the populace like insects stirred from their meal. The bar was suddenly in flux with fresh faces and strange new demands. It would seem that the drinks in Vufrien were often mixed with something the tenders here omitted. Human or lycan, the proprietors cared not, and as for herself, as long as they stayed simple faces without names, she would also spend no time wondering of their origins. 

The tray resting upon her palm, laden heavily with drinks served to draw her attention as it suddenly shifted upon her fingertips and would have tipped as some uncouth ruckus erupted at the table by her side. It was followed by boisterous laughter as she effortlessly righted the order she'd been given to deliver. Her glimpse was caught by patron's eyes and she would give the flattery of a warm smile, impish as she continued to pass by. 

She did not stop again until she reached the table destination, settling the ales with a light flourish as she settled back. "Anything else I can get for you?" Her voice was low, an amorous purr that seemed loud despite the rowdiness of the tavern, one that only grew in volume as the grandiose - albeit gaudy - curtain rose over the newest performance to take the stage.

RE: young blood - Huian - 03-07-2023

Summons had been beheld yet ignored, that finely printed letter meaning nothing to one who held no loyalty to the king of dogs. And he - for one - held no intention of dying for them. The feline had not come to these lands to serve any but himself and that was not about to change any time soon. However, if any within the gang wished to join in on the fighting then so be it. He would not stop them though neither would such activities be encouraged.

If the crown had wished to support them then they would not have sought him out. They would not have joined the ranks of thieves and killers. Instead they would have held some ‘upstanding’ job within the cities, not left to wallow in the slums or forced to flee. All far from the realities held by so many left behind yet he would return to them in time. Discover just who took to the callings of ‘duty’. They were already rats, already hunted, assisting in the king’s army would not change that.

Nothing would be able to silence such plagued thoughts, especially this but perhaps it would be enough to find some form of enjoyment out here. Ignore all that may crawl into his mind even if only for a moment. And as if right on queue the clatter of drinks pulls his ear, one turning to better capture the sound before rising tones were meet with a steady purr of his own. Tail swaying easily behind him where it wove through branched wood his chair, an arm perching over top of it to turn more fully toward this ‘waitress’.

“You can tell me when you get off darling~” A tease within those lyrics as feline-esque gaze appraised one unfamiliar. That visage never before seen yet described when it came to matters of work, “I’ve heard what a girl like you can do and I think I want a taste for myself.” While he may not require her services in ways of killing, there were always other matters which spun through the thief’s mind. Those which he desired assistance with.

RE: young blood - Adnali - 03-14-2023

     The feline would turn attention upon her, and those emerald eyes would spark with intention. What it was, she knew not, but she hoped it would be good for business. Or at least not put it in the gutter once more. There had been more fights and more people the... establishment had to remove lately than she cared to recollect. It had made it more inconvenient to proceed with her work. Quarters had become tight, and she was now no stranger to being expected to serve the lowly parasites.

She wondered briefly if he was one such patron. Though he appeared warm enough, she also couldn't ever recall such features being present upon the mangy mutts. She didn't hide the way gilded eyes glissaded over his figure. In fact, as her stare slid up towards his face, she would intentionally slow the ascent. Her gaze ending neatly at his just as he spoke. “You can tell me when you get off darling~” Her posture changed, her weight shifting as she tucked the serving tray neatly under one arm. The other hand rose to brush back the loose, sleek carmine strand that had escaped from behind her ear. “I’ve heard what a girl like you can do and I think I want a taste for myself.” 

A low, sultry chuckle would unleash itself from her, dark painted lips parting as kohl lashes lowered. There was a thrill to that, one she could not deny, and she wondered just who this individual was. An unlucky result of a blood-letting bond? Regardless, she would lean low over the table, thinly binding threads leaving little to the imagination as she briefly searched his facade. All the while the charming lilt of her simper never dissipated. "Well, now... Before I tell you that, you must know that... private parties are a bit more expensive than what you would get here." She licked her lips, a deliberate and slow motion as she once again looked him over, proffering her palm, her forefinger and thumb rubbing together. "And I like to see a little bit of good will first."

Jahi - imagine the eyes are gold pls until i get home to change them uwu

RE: young blood - Huian - 03-21-2023

Tail waved contently behind him as those eyes so obviously roved, the nameless one taking in appearances without a word and yet there were none needed. He was more than happy to let her look, to appraise all he had to offer in way of looks alone. Muscling and the gleam of gilded marks hardly hidden beneath revealing fabrics cut to showcase and frame. For despite his line of work the feline enjoyed the attention such things brought. An addiction to it that could never be denied and when it came to the woman before him - he wasn’t about to start any ‘rehabilitation’ now.

His own gaze hardly straying from her own features, at least until she leaned over his table with a more than obvious weight beneath the bindings of fabric. And just as she had offered silent judgment so too would he. Huian making no effort to hide the way eyes drifted, no sign of shame as he searched not for the depths of her gaze but the cleavage so clearly on display as nothing more than a coy smile held to her lips. This could all very well be part of her work, nothing more than ‘pleasantries’ but he was not one to complain over such a greeting. And when she - in more words - asked for payment upfront it was his turn to laugh.

A short sound of feigned hurt despite the teasing smirk which pulled at his features, “Come now darling. Does it look like I can’t pay?” Fingers rose dancing briefly over the assortment of gold that decorated his neck before brushing aside lengthened braid, only for it to fall back into place over glittering decorum. Adornments clinking lightly with the motion as once more he met her gaze. No warning given before the spaces she left between them was stolen away. Elbows perched upon the table, wrist folded beneath his chin as that visage stopped close to her own.

Phrases hushed for he was unwilling to offer much more within the company of so many, “Besides, your pay will depend on how well you preform, but… before we get into talks of business I’d prefer somewhere more private.” A quick glance cast to those who already pretended not to strain in efforts of listening in, their own gaze flickering occasionally even as they fought to concentrate on the food or drink before them. A tongue clicked its annoyance before all focus returned to the redheaded dame, “You know as well as I that this lot is nothing more than noisy little eavesdroppers. Wouldn’t want to share too many secrets now would we?”