Hemlock & Lace
Food for thought - Printable Version

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Food for thought - Tethys - 02-26-2022

An early morning hunt proved a decent one – could’ve been better, Tethys thought to herself in the midst of her work. Her shop was an oddity of sorts. A combination where she sold the meat of game she hunted. Most of which had been a combination of fish, young deer, rodents and fowl. Other product revolved around remaining hides crafted in leatherwork. She butchered sections of what consumers sought with the purchased exchange with a friendly smile despite the unease that seemed to linger before strangers would depart, whispering nonsense under their breaths. Glacial eyes would simply blink, oblivious to menial gossip as she returned to the red snapper she’d caught the night before.  Cleaver dividing its head from the rest of its body.  Tools descaling and bones eventually -- carefully separating. Filets and steaks then cut and displayed to the passing public. 

Late afternoon would soon roll by with produce dwindling. The usual mundane save for the occasional hit or miss if she’d collected too much or not enough the evening – into the morning before. A painting of a portrait hung behind the counter on the wall of a young man who resembled a semblance of the merchant on display. Tethys was careful to keep the simply made portrait dusted and out of range from the rest of her work. “Will that be all for you?” Tethys extended the rapped filet of venison to an elderly woman who simply nodded with a toothless, grateful grin. “Thanks for coming by then,” waving them off, stepping outside to tidy the storefront. 


table by tempy

RE: Food for thought - Westir - 01-10-2023

The Ranger
A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has it under voluntary control.
Coins clinked through the gaps of his fingers, counting idly the payment received upon the safe delivery of a young ward through perilous territory. Once again, he would come up two crescents short. Some would say it was naught to be concerned over, and he would agree with them, quite willingly. However, it was not the shortage of pay that would bother him, merely the dishonesty that a dear parent would entreat with their child. Had he been a man of lesser moral, he could have easily wrenched the tightly clenched pouch from the frazzled youth and left him to the mercy of the wilds upon discovering the truth. The satchel was neatly tied once more, tucked away from prying eyes and curious fingers.

The streets of Kaisermont were a myriad of people. The mid day bustle had finally ceased and those visitors of stalls were thinning. Many owners would close shortly afterwards at times, others took the time to reorganize their stock and their storefronts, like the very one he currently approached. The woman he passed held a nicely wrapped parcel, the familiar scent of fresh meat lingered upon it as well, assuring that he was indeed in the right place for what he sought.

He could merely hunt his own game, true, but heading into the wilds with some extra provisions was never a bad idea. The pay he had just received would also benefit the young woman tidying the stall as well more than himself. He had no intention of returning back to any of the city's promptly after all. There was madness lingering in the air, a tension that felt like the taught draw of a bow's string. The child himself had been from a small settlement along the road from Dunmeath, and the main road had been pillaged by heaving carts and heavy foot falls. It seemed that something was certainly stirring the great wolf king, and he wondered if it was war about to descend upon his subject's heads. "Still plenty of meat, I hope?" he inquired, casting his gaze about the interior.

I am not a good man - nor am I harmless

RE: Food for thought - Tethys - 01-11-2023

The broom in hand while sweeping away dust and debris looked hardly kept together. Nevertheless, it did its job – at least for Tethys, never one to complain. As long as the storefront remained kept, that was all that mattered. Occasionally she’d absently catch wind of the petty gossip of nobles passing through, or the pleas of a child begging their mother for something of value or – in a child’s eyes, of value. She couldn’t help but chuckle following a mirthful tug of her lips. Sun kissed ears twitched slightly upon the fretful mothers huddled together in woe of some draft recently issued. Icy gaze remained on the ground though her tidying seemed to slow, deliberately. What a pity. she hummed thoughtfully, feeling the slight tug in her chest.

Commotion spun, ripping her away from otherwise mindless banters of civilians following the approach of a potential consumer; Still plenty of meat, I hope? Glacial sights lifted, as her head tilted slightly following a friendly smile; “Aye,” she responds tossing the broom stick between her hands before setting it against the building. “What’cha lookin’ for, friend?” she reaches for the door and a soft jingle rings from small simple bells hanging overhead, extending the door for an invitiation to enter.

“Got boar, fish salt and fresh, bird—plenty game I caught this morning.” She spoke with nonchalance, as if her feat was hardly a chore.


table by tempy

RE: Food for thought - Westir - 01-11-2023

The Ranger
A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has it under voluntary control.
Those gathered in huddled groups speaking amongst themselves only echoed and confirmed his suspicions. It was mainly women that preoccupied the walkways, and while he could not entirely speak of the normality of the city ways, he was certain he had seen men frequent at least the pubs while spouses shopped. The smithy had also been oddly empty, though the man himself seemed more than busy enough. When he had approached the storefront, the gruff cut off of the hard working fellow had been a curt, 'Got more orders 'an I know what to do with already. Find another anvil, friend. Your blade'll not get done 'ere until long after you need it." Taking the advice, he had merely nodded his parting before leaving. His sword did indeed need tended to, but each iron worker seemed to be just as burdened as his favored.

“Aye,” she answered his inquiry and there would come a slightly relieved smile to shadow his features in response. Finally, a bit of good news, even if it should be trivial, a matter which he could tend to himself. At least she hadn't been crude either. “What’cha lookin’ for, friend?” She followed, her door opening in invitation for his entry as she put aside the rugged looking broom. One that had apparently seen more than its fair share of service. "Something that will keep well." He hummed in thought, not one accustomed to a broad variety of option. As a hunter himself, he was quite accustomed to merely taking what the forest was ample enough to provide.

“Got boar, fish salt and fresh, bird—plenty game I caught this morning.” He would release an impressed whistle. A woman of fortune if her statement held true, and thus far he had no reason to doubt her word. Stale or fetid goods didn't waft on the stirring of the air. A good sign for him as well. "A lucky morning indeed. Perhaps a nice cut of boar," He was, in truth, a bit partial to its taste - especially when smoked and paired with a fresh apple. A feast of kings in the wild. "Any taverns with opening rooms you know of, by any chance? Lot of folk moving recently it seems. Have half a mind to rest up before leaving back into the wilds."

I am not a good man - nor am I harmless

RE: Food for thought - Tethys - 01-11-2023

Something to keep well, she considered. A quiet repetition lingered in her thoughts as she suggested a few game to offer. There was more of course, though she would allow the stranger to pick to his liking as there was still enough given the day was relatively slow. It could easily pick up closer to sunset – of course when she’d wanted to pack up for the day. A lucky morning indeed. Tethys simply shrugged, perhaps it was though? Not every day was as fruitful. Perhaps a nice cut of boar, “Ah, just skinned and gutted ‘m not too long ago. Fancy that timing.” She chuffed amicably.

For a moment she disappeared to the back, no sooner did she return with the boar carcass hanging over her shoulder, a leg already severed – sold earlier in the day. “Can get you the back legs here, and cure some ham, or you wanting a center cut here?” Tethys asked, laying the boar upon the opposite side of the counter. She used a cleaver to motion in question the type of cut. Any taverns with opening rooms you know of, by any chance? Lot of folk moving recently it seems. Have half a mind to rest up before leaving back into the wilds

The shopkeeper took a moment to consider his words. Though, if she were being honest with herself, Tethys didn’t know the town as well as the others surrounding her. Her daily routine was pretty straightforward unless venturing out to the wilds and along the coast. “Can’t say I do,” she replied modestly, she took the cleaver along the hind leg of the boar just to separate the meat in the meantime while making idle conversation. “I know it’s been a little hectic lately and whatnot but, I’ve learned from experience to keep mind my own.” she shrugged.

“But I also don’t live around here either, I just keep the shop in business.” her eyes rolled as if it were a cumbersome task. In truth, she couldn’t bring herself to close it either. “Might have something upstairs, though.” She separated the leg and the hock with a single swing. She knew her mother – bless her soul, if she’d let a stranger walk out knowing they didn’t have shelter would have bent over backwards then proceeded to smack her with the broom for being rude without offering. It made her chuckle at the thought as she went about her work. “My old man used to stay up there when he needed to do inventory. Just a mattress and a few sheets – not much though.”


table by tempy