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appalachian wine - Printable Version

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appalachian wine - Mithras - 03-22-2023

Already he had spoken with the Red Queen over concerns, a request of sorts, and yet such talks had gone about as well as the snake had imagined. Ending in - more or less of - a refusal to intervene. An order not to seek her nor any other out lest he and the general could not work smooth this over for themselves. So be it. If this was how one requested the situation to be dealt with then that is how it would be handled. And while he had kept composer within her presence, it was within the seclusion of his chambers he scoffed.

Title had been blessed upon another and what had he done with it? Nothing as far as the serpent was concerned. Merely checking in every once in a while was not enough, it did not constitute the meaning of a watchful Warden. If Crue Efros was going to rule that land then use it. Rats would dwell there no matter what. If they were not going to be exterminated then put them to work. Ensure they did not destroy what no longer belonged to them.

Whatever. Such thoughts didn’t matter now.

He had spoken with those in charge. Received the needed permissions. All that remained were the talks themselves and seeing if an agreement of some sort could be met. Mithras knew how to be civilized, even a snake could heed the Queen’s word, and there was trust the other could do the same. For why else would he have held the calling of General for as long as he did? Surely he held the simple ability to listen, to follow orders given.

So it is without further delay a summons - no, an invitation - that was a kinder word for it had been issued. Nothing more than a request to chat, to meet with the indulgent expanses of his winery. One perched just outside of the city’s reach. Far enough away to allow a sense of peace, a temporary escape, but most importantly privacy No eyes nor ears but their own would be present when it came to a discussion. Of that he could be certain here.

Briefly focus would turn from the wine glass in hand, dancing to the draconic figure at his side, “Allow none but General Lumen to enter should he come. If he arrives with an entourage at his heel send them all away. I requested a private meeting and intend to keep it that way.” If any under the man’s command felt the need to tag along they could wait outside. Talk amongst themselves under the watchful eye of one of his own within the vineyards. And with instruction given the handmaid would take his leave with a quiet click of the door, taking post at the far side of it in hopeful greeting.

RE: appalachian wine - Theodred - 04-02-2023

The invitation had been short, direct. For him to come to this secluded, albeit rather popular vineyard - alone. It was in the possession of a man he was briefly aware of. Another name and face in the tumultuous sea of those who supported and were there for used as pawns by the Red Queen. Émilienne certainly had no shortage of powerful allies, that was one certainty he had of the woman - should she really be called that. The thoughts that idly swirled within his mind were just as droning and slow moving as he felt the wheels of the carriage itself was.

It probably would have been much fast had he simply taken his own horse, but with the recent meetings with his liege and others, he had grown quite tired of the saddle. A discovery he was astonished with, a shock reflected upon the features of the carriage driver as well when he had offered the commission. The road wound through the upper range of the mountains before beginning its descent, one he felt as though he could traverse now with his eyes closed. However, the wheels would roll over unfamiliar territory this time. Despite the attention he should have paid to the path, he couldn't bring himself to do so, finding his eyelids drawing closed in spite of opposition.

It wasn't until the wagon rolled to a halt that he found himself rousing from the sluggish shackles of reprieve. He would straighten, fingers pulling down on the cuffs of his sleeves in habit to ensure the coverage of his arms. He emerged into the comforting cover of the Crue Efros's shroud as the door was opened for him by the driver. A man who would bow slightly as the step was taken onto the unfamiliar territory of another. Keen gaze wandered, observing the intricacies and extravagance of the area, no doubt one to become a hosting arena of some sort. Many, if not most or all, of the monarch's associates knew him to be a recluse. So much so that he had been the butt of several of their poor jokes of late with all of the.... scheming.

He merely hoped this would not be a meeting of small talk, of words playfully concealing their meanings. He could only pray that this invitation would be one for a straight forward demand rather than more games of cloak and dagger. Devices he had no energy or patience to play. His path was guided by a presumed servant of his host, words briefly exchanged in greeting as the man guided him to where he assumed their meeting would take place.

As the door was opened, he would step through the portal without reservation, the bleak reptilian pupils fixing easily onto the draconian within. The only other soul within, giving him hope that his small wish would be heeded. Though he didn't place high hopes into such whimsical sentiments. He would bow in greeting, "Mithras." A name he knew briefly from both military operations as well as the signature upon the letter received. "You wished a meeting?"

Jahi - imagine the eyes are silver pls until i get home to change them uwu

RE: appalachian wine - Mithras - 05-08-2023

It was nothing more than a waiting game now. Something the draconian had grown used to over his years though - thankfully - this time he would not have to stall for long before there came a faint shuffle beyond adorned doorway. The gentle murmur of voices as a handmaid no doubt guided their invited guest into promised seclusion. And upon entrance the other would be met by a serpent’s hollow gaze, pupilless yet piercing in the way it flickered over each aura presented to him.

Only one that held no lingering familiarity. Good.
At least that portion of a request had been honored.

The pair granted a brief bow before being left in peace, those great doors pulling closed and leaving none but they within the winery’s decorated chambers. Gloved hand motioned briefly, silent invitation for the general to join him at the table. One cradling a concoction of blood and wine upon its surface. Yet whether or not an offer was taken would not silence the hiss of a serpentine tongue, “Theodred.” A short flourish of his own given in greeting without standing, a simple politeness all he was willing to offer.

He had intended to greet this man with a title held, the callings of general and yet if they were using informalities the very same would be offered in turn. At least at the start for a tongue could not stray from habit for long, “I did. And be truthful with me General.” There were hardly any doubts he would veil what could so easily be found out from another, yet Mithras wished to hear it from the man himself. Not play games to win it from another’s lips. “I have no intentions of wasting your time. So long as you do not waste mine.”

Leaning in his chair, a glass swirled lightly in that taloned grasp as nails pressed to fabric, “I want one thing from you. An update on what has been done with the land granted to your watch. Have your duties with our forces even allowed you to mind the rats which stalk our territory?” One rightfully seized from their clutches, “Do you enjoy being their minder?” Their baby sitter, “Or is it due to nothing more than a blind sense of duty that you accepted the position of Warden to begin with?”

RE: appalachian wine - Theodred - 05-10-2023

His calling was accompanied by the offer of a chair, one he would take as he allowed his weight to settle into the comfort plush. He rested across the table from the man, relaxed, reclined in a silhouette of patience. “I did. And be truthful with me General.” He didn't speak as the serpent began to weave his tongue, a certain amount of venom perforating the syllables. “I have no intentions of wasting your time. So long as you do not waste mine.” "Good." The word was punctual, but not sharply so. Not cold, and his intonation, while not rude lacked further inflection.

The draconian would lean forward, his drink swirling lightly within his fingers. The glass reflected the lighting within, a comfort no doubt offered the house hands and any guests that lingered within more than the owner of the estate himself. After all, he needed precious little in the way of sight. “I want one thing from you. An update on what has been done with the land granted to your watch. Have your duties with our forces even allowed you to mind the rats which stalk our territory?” Brows rose, slightly, and the arm upon the rest would rise slightly, elbow remaining while his fingertips arose to support the weight of his crown. Though, the snake would have more to add. “Do you enjoy being their minder?" Other than the faint quirk, he would remain unchanging, though his thoughts were a plethora of churning. This would seem to be something more, despite the assurance that he was going to cut to the chase, this seemed oddly away from the main point.

“Or is it due to nothing more than a blind sense of duty that you accepted the position of Warden to begin with?” He would allow the words to settle before he would begin to speak. His throat cleared, slightly, though his attention never drifted from the commander. "With all due respect, I do not report to you. The bare bones of it, however, is good. Threats of destabilization due to gorilla warfare have been crushed. The city has been rebuilt. Those who once dwelled there have been... relocated to appropriate locations. As for the rats, I suppose I could have missed a few on the queen's land, though I'm sure since you're asking, yours have already told you." The last would leave him on a slight sigh. He must have gained word of something to catch his interest, though whatever news held no immediate interest to him.

"As for why I accepted the position -  I suppose it would be duty. What else would I have? I already have more than what I would have ever wanted. What I ever needed. There is nothing that interests me personally. So whatever it is you're actually after, spit it out."

Jahi - imagine the eyes are silver pls until i get home to change them uwu