Hemlock & Lace
Thereafter - Printable Version

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Thereafter - Ekosha - 04-04-2023

There was a daring side to the physician – knowing of the potential dangers and threats that lingered. She knew, however, that there was no gain if she remained dormant when there were herbs and other medicinal plants to gather that did not grow in Vufrien. It was also a way for her to explore a little. Keeping her busy and eager to discover something old or new. On her person she carried a satchel filled with the basic first-aid necessities as well as a few salves and medicines. The just in case purposes. An occasional plant or herb would be gathered but there was still plenty of room to store odd findings. This did not limit her to any stone or fallen feather either.

Ekosha did, however seem somewhat distracted. Attention astray to recent events upon her return from unknown travels. The intruder who, she could only assume biding his time in her what was assumed, abandoned clinic. A soft huff exhaled from paled lips, “I could have sworn I locked the door before I left.” she murmured under her breath. Conflicted, Ekosha couldn’t determine whether or not to be cross, her mind racing in every which direction. They were injured – so it only made sense. However, it was in invasion of property. Realistically that wasn’t what was truly on her mind but the stranger's mask that he wore.

She wondered, if there were others like it – if there was a history behind it. Where could she get her hands on one for her museum? “Hm..” Her frosted gaze fell over the borage leaves, carefully sifting through. She pruned dying leaves while harvesting some to tuck away into her satchel.

RE: Thereafter - Leslie - 04-06-2023

Even when one could not see her that humming still remained as if it lay fused to the mind itself, a link which bound her to him. If that were the case he would need to find a way to break it. Those nightly visits were getting tiresome. Awaking to find the woman rummaging through his belongings or prowling through the camp even should it be moved. Other tiems lounging far too close for comfort, the steady thrum of what could only be perceived as magic echoing against flesh with the scantiest of touches. It never hurt yet this peculiar sense of attention was rather… strange. Why did that stranger care what happened to him? Nobody else did.

Not here. Not within the clan, nothing more than fodder for the dogs and their twisted games. A tongue tsked in disapproval of the thought. So far it seemed none from before had chased him here, he could only hope it stayed that way. He would much rather accept the company of that flower laden woman than any monster of the past.

Though Leslie cannot linger upon such musings as the steady murmur of another filled his ears. Phrases not understood and yet they would still draw focus. While this wasn’t exactly his home nor proclaimed hunting grounds there came a touch of unease at how drawn others were to these woods. Did they not have their fancy cities to hide away in? Whatever their reasoning there was hesitance to approach, quiet steps carrying him close enough to peer toward this unknown. Only for eyes to narrow in suspicion, what was she doing?

So easily one could turn and leave. Pretend that he never saw this stranger out here, hope another was not encountered in his retreat. But curiosity was a terrible thing, it gnawed at him. Just as it always did. An unbidden notion which spurred steps from the safety of shadows toward where another seemed to stall. She was hardly a face recgonized, there would be no understanding behind the words she spoke nor what he may ask of her. Though that is not enough to silence the questions which burned, “Kii re wux makaidir stoda coita jaseveic? Tiric wer edarok ti rigluin astahi throdenilt loupon wux tir?”

RE: Thereafter - Ekosha - 04-07-2023

Ekosha was evidently lost in her own little world. Quietly sifting and foraging through herbs trying to recall what needed restocking, what stock she was out of, or low on. She couldn’t help but wonder if there would be other unfamiliar company awaiting at the doorstep of her clinic. She’d hoped to give herself a few days to unwind from her travels before reopening and yet such ideals appeared laughable. Unrealistic. There was never a dull moment here, was there? There was still that gnawing desire to explore Dunmeath – a box left unchecked of her list of things to do. 

A strangers voice rang through pale blue-ish ears immediately drawing her attention. The healer and historian hadn’t quite heard him, and even if she did, it was incomprehensible. Frosted azure gaze promptly turned to see an unfamiliar masked man -  different than the one who bore the fox. Silent curiosity pried for further answers, though dare not press it just yet. He did not seem like the other who found sanctuary without her knowing away from the sunlight that shone through Vufrien. Ekosha simply blinked, her expression vacant – if anything puzzled. “Oh, hello.” She greeted him with neutrality.

Breifly she glanced around the surrounding area should he have company with him only to immediately come to the assumption he was alone. “Are you lost?”


RE: Thereafter - Leslie - 04-11-2023

There came a silent rush of hope when those eyes first regarded him, at least until he recognized the all too familiar stare that looked back at him. Vacancy. Uncaring over a presence and what had been asked. Her glance chased as his own crown turned in confusion. What was she looking for? Could she hear that woman’s humming as well or was it but a figment of his imagination? Another voice to plague the depths of his cerebrum as the healer’s essence still echoed in his veins. Was it this that carried her tune, the very ichor which flowed beneath the surface? It could always be bled out but the hauntings of a mind would not remain his focus as attentions glued to the presence of one before him.

Sharp tsk at the question which had drawn him back, “Hawga? Thric. A crown shook as if to aid in understanding, “Si mi ti hawga, si mi torir zahae wer jaseveic wux ahfven. kii re wux makaidir astahi?” What did she need them for? She was no plant herself and vegetation hardly made suitable clothing with how few she seemed to gather. Was she planning on eating them? They didn’t look like they tasted very good. And yet the more he stared, the more he figured she would not grasp what he asked.

Features soured behind the mask as Leslie fought for words in a tongue she may recognize, a once lyrical tone now morphed by heavy accent, “Leaves! Why cut? You not plant.” Gloved digits rising briefly in cutting motion before gesturing to all still within her own hands.

RE: Thereafter - Ekosha - 04-13-2023

There was a silence that passed whilst her stained hands remained busy with the leaves and herbs she held. Again, the stranger spoke and yet his tongue was not something she could comprehend. Her expression drew into a blank gaze as frosted gaze blinked at him with the evidence that his words until there came the abrupt broken syllables; Leaves! Why cut? You not plant. Azure gaze then fell to the herbs resting in her palms then down at the earth where she was just knelt over. “Oh!” It then clicked as to what he was referring to before a friendly smile swept upon her paled freckled features.

“Trimming them helps them give more room to grow.” She pointed out. “And in turn, I’ll use what I’ve trimmed to turn into medicines and salves.” Of course, there were other methods too: she could make oils or even use them in meals pending the plant. She chuckled at the comment he made of her not being a plant. “And no, I’m most certainly not a plant.” It would be a rather simple or even short-lived life, wouldn’t it, if she were one? “My name is Ekosha by the way.” She brushed off one hand to free it of whatever dirt she could before extending it with introduction. “Ekosha Frost, I’ve a clinic in Vufrien.” She smiled.


RE: Thereafter - Leslie - 04-24-2023

The crow didn’t like the way she looked at him, the blankness that seemed to plague the very eyes which held upon veiled features. He accepted she did not understand a natural tongue and all which laced it but did she have to keep staring like that? It only stirred unease. Anxieties one tried hard to bury beneath the frustration of accented tone. Finally. That brought attentions to wander, flicker between plants and the earth almost as if even this was not understood bringing a huff to flee his lips. Yet as they parted to hiss in a language known, they fell silent upon a rather sudden exclamation.

Once narrowing gaze widening as a mind raced to grasp all that suddenly spewed from her now, falling in a stream as parts merely flew over his head. Something of medicines, a short yet barely there laugh upon the calling of a plant, whatever an Ekosha was. This strange word hardly registering as a given name until it echoed from her lips once more. Crown tilting as each phrase replayed within, as if this alone would grant him understanding.

Ekosha. Was this what one called herself? He would start there, “Ekosha? Batobot ui dout ominak? Sini ui Leslie.” However, tongues soon clicked before the same morphed tones rose, “Name Leslie.” At least that is what a supposed mother once called him, an address which did not indicate rank or a master’s disdain. Matters one was not keen on dwelling on, remembrance of their faces shaken back as clawed digits once more gestured toward the greenery she tended. Brow furrowing lightly in the confusion which still remained.

“It wild plant. Grow on own,” wasn’t that how they survived? By being able to regulate through natural cause alone, maintained without the touch of an outsider. Everything seemed to flourish around the clan’s ruins without interference from those who dwelt in its shadowed embrace. Creeping vines so often entangling and overtaking caverns of stone but hardly did vegetation seem to fade. Besides, did she intend to return to this spot time and time again just to ensure this particular plant remained groomed?

Something he doubted and yet could not find the words to ask her of it, instead the crow turns to other concerns. “Plant for not plants? What you make?” Medicine she’d claimed. A concept not wholly foreign and yet those of his standing were hardly at the top of the medics' concerns. Concoctions saved for the chieftain and those held beneath his gaze, those held in his favor. Hesitance threatened to seize him yet a few slow steps still found their place, close enough now for finger to gesture directly to what was held, “With that, what you make?” If she thought to collect this plant then surely it held some sort of purpose.

RE: Thereafter - Ekosha - 05-17-2023

Again, the young man would speak in a tongue – one she did not recognize, unfamiliar to her ears yet curioustiy was beginning to bubble and boil. Where did he come from to have known such a language? Where could she venture and unravel this little piece of information that could potentially lead her to a new discovery of potential history and artifacts to further expand on her current collection? Name. Leslie. Icy blue gaze widened then with realization as he exchanged his own introduction. “Oh! Well, it is nice to meet you, Leslie.” She wanted to extend her hand though refrained given that it was stained with soil and grass.

Not everyone would appreciate a handshake from a dirty hand. It wild plant. Grow on own, She simply looked at him again with a shrug. “Can’t really do that when it can only be found here – and I don’t have the space in my clinic to grow everything I’d like.” She bantered on idly though she merely shrugged all the while dusting her hands off on her knee-stained trousers. Plant for not plants? What you make? Came his other unusual question.

“I make medicines and ointments out of them.” she smiled and began to sift through her satchel and withdrew a small container. “This is a salve for small cuts and scrapes. It’s made from this plant here—along with another.” She motioned. “Here, you can keep this one, if you’d like.”
