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there lies my sanity - Printable Version

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there lies my sanity - Matthias - 04-04-2023

He could feel the warmth of her body, pressed close against him. Her fingertips traced light patterns across his skin, swirling from his neck, tracing down his collar bone. It sent trembles of electricity through him, pulling him slowly from the deep slumber he’d been in. She was whispering something to him, the cadence of her soft laughter underneath. Something about it made it sound so far away though, no matter how he strained to hear her. He fought to stay in that place, somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, missing the memory of her closeness.  ”Matthias” she spoke, a hushed whisper against his ear. The sound of his name, the heat of her breath, it jolted him from sleep. He expected to find the bed empty, but there she lay. A disfigured apparition, her face burned, her jaw exposed, an empty eye socket peering at him. The other side of her face, the one he still recognized, pulled back into an eerie smile. Blood pooled beneath her, spreading slowly through the sweat soaked sheets, warm and thick it reached out to him. "Amara," he whispered back, pulling the sheets fully back to find the bed hollow and empty.

He sat up abruptly, long limbs thrown over the edge of the bed. Pain lanced through his ribcage at the sudden movement, every muscle in his body feeling suddenly and exquisitely aflame. His right leg trembled, the once twisted and broken thing struggling even before he braced against it. He could feel sweat beading on his forehead, clinging to his long black hair. He tried to run his hands through it, feeling how warm and fevered his flesh felt. He couldn’t fight a sudden chill as the cool air touched his exposed skin. Reaching for the long black cane, his hand wrapping around the cool silver raven’s head, he took a steadying breath before using it to push himself up. He made his way awkwardly to the small dresser, wetting a cloth in the cold water basin he pressed it to his forehead, avoiding glancing into the mirror. He knew what he’d see, his skin pale and damp, his normally bright blue eyes even paler, almost white as the strange curse of an illness threatened to make today the day iit took him. It had been too long since he had gone to see the physician Ekosha or his bonded Persephone.

Finally daring to glance, he looked at his reflection. He found his eyes near solid white, his face drawn and pale, the hollow of his cheekbones and the dark shadows beneath his eyes giving him a frail appearance that did not match his towering frame. Shadows coiled around him, tracing their serpentine path, protective and shielding in this weaker state. He could hear spirits around him, reaching out to him, eager to be heard when he could not as easily fend them off. He closed his eyes to their voices, focusing on his breathing, steadying himself through the pain that felt as if every bone were shattering into pieces. There was no excuse today, he had to get to one of them. Ekosha was easier to find, normally about her clinic or gathering supplies in the wilds. There was no telling if Persephone would come, how much of his pain could she feel?

He pulled on the black shirt and vest first, trying to ignore how they clung to his damp skin. He ignored the racing beat of his heart as he pulled on the long breeches and the heavy black overcoat. He peered at himself in the mirror once more, finding the twisted face of his dead wife peering back at him, a corpse smile once more on her face. Closing his eyes, he turned, bracing himself on his cane and made his way out the door and towards the stables below the old boarding house.

A familiar black beast greeted him, eagerly seeking some source of food in his pocket. He pressed his forehead to the stallion’s own, whispering in a familiar tongue to the beast, offering the small bit of sugar he carried in his pocket. The pain was too great for him to haul the saddle over his back. Instead he slipped the lead rope free, managing to pull himself up with what strength remained to him and allowed the horse to move from the darkness on his own. He knew the road and destination well enough, seeming to understand even as Matthias slumped over his heavy neck.

Familiar darkness clouded at the edges of his vision, his lungs felt thick and heavy, a precursor to the cough that would suddenly rack his body. He managed to pull the handkerchief from his pocket to cover his mouth. It came away soaked in blood, the metallic tang coating his tongue.

He wasn’t sure how long it took them to arrive, but he recognized the door to her clinic when he opened his eyes, the beast unusually patient beneath him. Matthias slid from his back, stumbling to catch himself with the cane. He struck his right knee to the roadway, ignoring those that tried to reach out a helping hand with a vicious snarl. He made his way to the door, pushing his way inside. "Ekosha!" he managed to yell, his deep voice hoarse and choked with blood. Leaning heavily on the cane he continued into the building in search of the physician.

table by tempy

RE: there lies my sanity - Ekosha - 04-05-2023

It did not take long for Ekosha to dive back into the groove of her labors. Patients coming and going either for some minor ailment or follow up of recent visits. The usual mundane if she wasn’t crafting up medicines and salves with plants and herbs either purchased or gathered during her adventures. When she wasn’t being heckled by the elderly about medication to help with their aching joints or arthritis, she held her office hours, re-writing prescriptions or crafting up well-known salves or medicines. There was a lot of catching up to do – she knew this even before she’d left those couple of years she went away. 

Frosted gaze gently swept over the lone vial that danced between her fingertips.  Alabaster brows knitted together with lost thought whilst a quilled pen dripping in black ink rested in her dominant hand. “He should have another week’s worth left of what I gave him before I left…” she mumbled under her breath to no one but herself.  “But why have there been no significant changes?” Such questions caused her head to pound with frustration and annoyance Questions that did not pose and obvious answer: yet the discovery of potential said answers felt out of reach and impossible to grasp. This wasn’t like trying to understand some historical artifact – no that presented itself with a little more wonder. Not having the answers in order to better ensure the quality of life for someone was infuriating and she felt at an utter loss.

There was a commotion going on outside, muffled by the walls of the building to which she paid no mind to, accustomed to the bustling noises of the general public. At least up until the sound grew louder and a struggling; Ekosha! had her out the door before the end of her name resounded.  Her slender frame moved through the halls, ordering those to make way with an icy bite that threw off the otherwise gentle demure of her usual persona. “Matt, what the hell—?!” She was ready to scold the dark-dressed man only for her steps to come to an abrupt halt. Azure gaze settled on his slumped form, pale lips pressing tautly together, “Matthias.” Her voice softened in a sigh but not without a hint of urgency. “No. Return to your tasks and then go home. No one is to come into my office for the remainder of the day.” She instructed curtly while reaching for the mans arm in a manner to offer what support she could and guide him to her office. 

It was no easy feat given the drastic height difference though her stubborn nature demanded her perseverance as she him to her office. Their relationship between patient and physician was unusual – tense with his attitude, at least what Eko would argue. “Here,” she took the vial from her desk, urging him to drink, taking note of the discoloration in his eyes. “Take this while I gather  things for your fever – don’t move.”


RE: there lies my sanity - Matthias - 04-15-2023

One hand braced on the cane, the other on the hallway wall, he pushed his way past other patients, not bothering with formalities. Most seemed to move out of the way, some murmured angrily beneath their breath that for the moment would have to go unanswered. Even hunched over as he was, the pain in his stomach practically ripping out his innards, he was still a hulking form. The darkness swam across his vision, blurring the hallway as he stumbled further down it. By now his shirt was practically soaked with the fever, clinging to his skin in a way that irked at his nerves. He heard the familiar hinges on her office door open, her sharp voice cutting through the crowd, ”Matt, what the hell-?!” She paused abruptly, obviously taking in his disheveled appearance. Normally he was poised, clean, well dressed. He did nothing to make himself appear weak, nothing that would give anyone reason to cross him. Even with the cane, he stood an imposing figure, still strong enough to back up that appearance. ”Matthias”, her voice held that tone of sympathy that instantly dug its way into his chest. A deeply rooted anger that screamed and raged at his weakness, at her pity, at his entire situation. Hs normally snapped, normally lashed out. She was the only one who’d found something that worked though. "Morning doc," he spoke through gritted teeth.

To come in as withered as he felt was a stab at his pride. He’d learned to begrudgingly allow the doc seeing him this way, but for so many in her clinic to see it, it did not settle well with him. He turned on those unfamiliar steps moving towards him down the hall, his temper flaring. ”No. Return to your tasks and then go home. No one is to come into my office for the remainder of the day.” He nearly sighed in relief, closing his eyes a moment listening to the retreating footsteps and the heavy fall of the front door. A blissful silence surrounded him, the only sounds that of his labored breathing and the soft footsteps of the doc. She pressed her smaller frame against him, trying to offer what support she could. Too weak to do anything but lean against her and his cane, he hobbled along leaning against her much smaller stature more than he would like to admit.

He made his way finally to a chair in her office, letting his body slump rather ungracefully to sit down. He could hear Ekosha shuffling around her desk a quick moment before returning. ”Here,” she handed him the familiar vial. ”Take this while I gather things for your fever - don’t move.” Without question, he swallowed the liquid, burning down his throat like acid. He hissed through gritted teeth, clenching his eyes to the pain, fingers kneading into his closed sockets as he braced his elbows on his knees. Already he could feel the sense of pain fading in his abdomen. He pulled the long overcoat off, suddenly cold as the air touched his damp shirt. ”I owe you again doc,” He pulled out a silk handkerchief, coughing up blood and clots into the white fabric, gagging on the antidote that seeped its poison into his blood.

table by tempy

RE: there lies my sanity - Ekosha - 04-16-2023

Expression softened in his ragged greet. Worry creased her brow knowing it had been some time since she had seen Matthias let alone in such a horrid state. The copper tang of blood was evident around him once she moved to his side to offer what support she could give. Questions spurring in her head but none of which she wanted to ask out so openly and could only assume he would not answer until their privacy was assured.

Once they were away from prying eyes and gossiping lips, Ekosha ensured to lock the door to ensure their privacy. The vial was stolen from her desk and given to the ailing man whilst she gathered a cooled damp rag all the while adjusting the stethoscope around her neck. I owe you again doc. Ekosha chuffed, unable to get her words out as he doubled over in another coughing fit. She took mental notes that she would need to journal later. “Yeah, well, that list might outlive you if you’re not careful. Here, put this on your forehead.” She extended the damp cloth to him before adjusting the stethoscope between her ears. “Deep breaths.” came her instruction in hopes to listen to the beating thrum of his heart as well as his breathing. She never did hesitate when jumping straight into work.

“I gave you enough meds to last while I was away—” came her inquiry all the while going about the normal check-up routine. “Are your symptoms worsening?” No change versus worsening change was not exactly ideal though her frosted gaze searched the raven-haired man, more so to see if there would be any change in his eye color.

RE: there lies my sanity - Matthias - 05-27-2023

He leaned onto his knees, spitting another bloody clot into the handkerchief. He could feel his breath come in ragged gasps, blood coating his airway thickly. The metallic taste familiar on his tongue. He worked to steady his breathing, letting the antidote begin its work to ease the symptoms. It twisted in his belly, already angry by the poison's intrusion. ”Yeah, well, that list might outlive you if you’re not careful. Here, put this on your forehead.” He smiled despite the pain lancing its way through him, taking the cool cloth from her hand he wiped the sweat from his brow. His skin felt cool and clammy already, but the cold touch seemed to settle something in him. ”Deep breaths,” she encouraged, feeling the cool metal ring press against his chest as she listened to the rattle of his lungs. ”You’re probably right,” he gritted through smiling teeth, more snarl then anything.

”I gave you enough meds to last while I was away. Are your symptoms worsening?” She never paused in her assessment, her fingers at his throat, feeling the steady racing pulse there. Her hands guided his head back, peering at the changing color of his eyes. The moon white slowly fading back into the normal ice like blue found there. He struggled to answer her, meeting her gaze so directly. He pulled his head free, sighing heavily. ”They are getting worse. I’ve had to take your antidote more and more often it seems like.” He remembered her warning, that this was not really an antidote, that it was still toxic to his body, just at a seemingly slower pace then his illness was. He wasn’t sure which was going to kill him first.

table by tempy

RE: there lies my sanity - Ekosha - 05-27-2023

Expression remained unflinching following the ragged coughs. She was used to such sounds as unpleasant as another may find them. Ekosha remained attentive in listening to strain in his lungs following the rapid thrum of his heart. You’re probably right, came his reply following her comment of the theoretical ever-growing debt he was building with her. The concoction she had left for him was supposed to last him upon her return with some invisible hope that whatever ailed him would’ve lightened up. Delicate fingers gently swept along the side of his throat and listened for a pulse. Before observing the slow change of complexion to his skin following the color of his eyes returning to normal.

They are getting worse. I’ve had to take your antidote more and more often it seems like. Ekosha sighed as she finally stood up right, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose while trying to collect her thoughts. The contents in the vial were not exactly an ideal solution. Or rather, a temporary one for that matter. “We need another solution then.” she sighed, reaching for a clipboard adding down notes following the brief assessment. “But what we also need is to figure out what the hell is wrong with you in the first place….” She approached a shelve of thick large textbooks and pulled three out one by one. It was where everything had plateaued. Pulling her alabaster curls back into a messy half ponytail, she began to flip through the pages though nothing stood out, nor snatched her attention.

“Have you had any other symptoms lately? Anything new?” She scribbled a few messily written notes in one of the books like markers to return to. “You sure you didn’t get bit by anything or anyone for that matter?”


RE: there lies my sanity - Matthias - 12-31-2023

Matthias Cyprian
He sat rigid beneath her ministrations, the featherlight touch of her fingers against his neck, feeling the racing pulse there. He could feel the flutter of it in his chest, beating against the cage of his ribs with a fury. It made his breath come in hitching gulps at times, a conscious effort to make it appear more normal, to steady his nerves. Her antidote would slowly begin to lessen the rapid rate, his breathing coming steadier as it began to ebb. When she stood his eyes found her slender fingers pinching the bridge of her nose, eyes crinkled in thought, a familiar frustrated habit it seemed when he was around. He could almost feel the tug of a smile at his lips before she started moving around the office once more. ”We need another solution then,” she reached for the familiar clipboard, beginning her meticulous notes once more. How thick was the file she’d collected, he wondered silently, how many things had they tried? ”But what we also need is to figure out what the hell is wrong with you in the first place….”

”Where to start?” he murmured through a weak laugh, leaning to rest his elbows on his knees enough to take the damp cloth to the back of his neck. He watched as she tied her long hair back in yet another familiar habit, set in her determination. He could practically hear the cogs of her mind spinning through his symptoms and a variety of diagnoses. ”Have you had any other symptoms lately? Anything new?” He thought over the question, wondering how much he could tell her. He stared at his own large and scarred hand, flexing and unflexing it in a fist on his thigh. She knew about the shift of his eye color, the fever, fatigue, the horrible night sweats and the intense nausea he felt with it… but there was more, something that hinted to the supernatural side rather than any mortal illness he knew of. ”There is…” he swallowed hard, both pissed and annoyed at the admission, the feeling that he was letting some wall down for her to see the broken pieces underneath. Finally he sat back in the chair, watching her work. ”My shadows…” the dark band twisted around his wrist, summoned so much easier now with the poisonous antidote flowing in his veins. ”They seem harder to control when I feel the fever returning, like they have a will of their own, like I can’t control them anymore.” He sighed heavily, feeling the cooling touch of them move across his skin.

“You sure you didn’t get bit by anything or anyone for that matter?” To that he huffed a sly laugh, meeting the woman’s eyes again. ”Nothing has bitten me unless I’ve wanted it to, doc.” His breathing was growing steadier still, the rate slower, less labored. The fever as well seemed to be breaking, the air cold against his damp and heated flesh. ”You think it’s something supernatural?” His mind wandered over the possibility, if he’d called this on himself somehow. He thought of his bloodbond with Persephone, how the woman had saved his life so many years ago. How he’d used her magic to try and bring back the woman he’d loved so desperately, and how she haunted him for it now, stuck somewhere in between, ripping herself and him apart piece by piece.

art by notesz

RE: there lies my sanity - Ekosha - 12-31-2023

Her feet were moving in a mindless pacing, the pages turning one after the other after a brief skimming, though there was still nothing that hadn’t already been attempted. Where to start? There was lackluster mirth which briefly drew her glacial gaze to his own. Her composure remained unchanged though wasn’t entirely certain with herself if she should be some what relieved by the dark sense of humor Matthias carried had stayed with him. Ekoshsa cleared her throat as she set one textbook on her desk with a soft thud and sought the other following the harmless interrogation. She was determined to find some sort of cure – a conclusion to the problem – whatever problem that ailed him. There is…

Her attention would lift from the book following the heaviness in his exhale. There was a tug in her chest, a knot of guilt threatening to surface as he continued to share about the instability of the stretching shadows that seemed to move about so seamlessly at his whim. They seem harder to control when I feel the fever returning, like they have a will of their own, like I can’t control them anymore. Ekosha closed the text in her hands and returned it to accompany the others that piled her desk like ever-growing towers.

Right palm found its matching cheek to rest against as she weighed on his words. Eko couldn’t recall when she found herself back before him as she happened to move around without focus when the wheels continued to turn in her head. Nothing has bitten me unless I’ve wanted it to, doc. She huffed at him, restraining her urge to flick him upside the forehead. “Matt, it this is serious. There have been no improvements.” Instead, she sat down next to him, watching the dancing of shadows, the reels continued to turn. Was it supernatural? Had she been so careless to leave out this factor?

“It’s…. possible.” She felt her jaw clench and the grating frustration fray her nerves which in turn prompted a noticeable drop in temperature with her affinity of snow and ice. Eko you idiot. came the mental self-scolding. “No matter,” she sought to place her hand atop his, the physician seeking to assure the patient as forced a tired smile upon her freckled features. “I’ll figure something out.”


RE: there lies my sanity - Matthias - 01-02-2024

Matthias Cyprian
He watched her flipping through the pages of her text, occasionally writing something down in her notes. She paid his dark humor no mind, only a brief glance that gave very little away to what the doctor was thinking. He let his gaze drop away from her, looking instead at the floor, each moment his symptoms subsiding until he felt the terrible fatigue and weariness begin to settle in that always occurred after the strange episodes. He felt it like a weight pressing down on his shoulders and chest, his eyes seemed to form a heavy glaze as they threatened to close. He forced himself to sit upright, taking in a deep breath and looking back over at the doctor. She was starting at him, one slender palm to her pale cheek, the depths of her gaze watching him closely. A chill went through him, more then just her power…
He brushed it away, watching as she came closer to sit beside him once more.

”Matt, it this is serious. There have been no improvements.” To that a familiar crooked smile would touch his lips, one long fingered hand moving to run through his long black hair. There could be no joking with her in this state, determined and focused on her task. Admittedly, it was something he admired about her. ”I don’t think there is a cure for this doc,” he spoke through a sigh, leaning back heavily on the chair. ”You have done more than enough by finding what can help me for now.” It was as close to a thank you as he could muster, and even those words left a foul taste in his mouth. He broke his eye contact, instead watching his shadow waver beneath him, shifting and curling into odd shapes around the room, around her own.

”No matter, I’ll figure something out,” The temperature dropped around them suddenly, a symptom he’d learned about her own frustrations. It cooled his overheated flesh, a small relieved sigh escaping him. Then her hand laid across his own. His body went rigid beneath the touch, feeling the cooling effect of her power. A balm against his feverdamp skin and more. A rise of something not altogether unforeign. He sat forward once more, his hand giving a featherlight squeeze to hers before shifting just out of reach. ”I appreciate what you’ve done. If anything else comes up I’ll let you know,” ’I’m sorry to be a burden’ the words hung on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t manage them. Couldn’t bear the limited expression he’d already given of himself.

art by notesz

RE: there lies my sanity - Ekosha - 01-02-2024

A fine, thin layer of ice had formed along the outline of her desk near where she stood. She was frustrated but her face never showed it. It wasn’t at him, but with herself leaving out a possible and rather clear variable in the problem they – he faced. His crooked grin made it nearly impossible to look at him directly. Her gaze instantly dropping as she bit the inside of her cheek. Multiple questions rolling in the back of her head. I don’t think there is a cure for this doc, she held up her index finger to him. You have done more than enough by finding what can help me for now. “Nope,” would cut him off. “There is a solution to everything,” she was trying to reason with herself more than she was trying to reassure him. "I said I'll figure it out and I will."

Ekosha wasn’t so willing to just simply toss in the towel either. Had she done enough though? What worked temporarily was also as much of a danger to his already feeble health. So how was that even worth recognition? The gentle squeeze to her hand brought her attention back into focus of the present. I appreciate what you’ve done. If anything else comes up I’ll let you know,

If there was anything that was made obvious was her inability to cease. To just simply stop at the roadblock that may have been presented to her. Instead, she would try to find a way around it. Even if meant falling and tripping a few times over. She kept at it. “Don’t be a stranger.” She sighed. “I’ll just extend my work hours and get this sorted out, I promise.” Her intentions were to reassure him.
