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The Last Voyage of the Demeter - Theodred - 12-04-2023
The harbor was much more lively than he could scarcely recall. He assumed it was for the very self-same reason that he had darkened the wharf, to answer the notice that had recently plagued the city and beyond. Everywhere the Red Queen's malicious influence crept were the royal declarations claiming that as of late, ships were returning to harbor unmanned or the boats neglected to return at all.
And of course, it was the wrath of the northern sea.
Had it only been a small number, he and many more of the residents would have merely written the loss off as yet another victim of the angry tides. The weather was known to change, quickly, without mercy and the swells the pivot resulted in were nothing to be taken lightly by any means. Many large merchant vessels and naval fleets besides had been known to disappear beyond a wall of salty mist, their crews only to be cradled by the arms of the tempests. However, now, there was talk among those who had deigned to practically live upon the waters: curses, ghosts, monsters, a myriad of other tales. Among them as well were sirens, mermaids that drew the vulgar imaginations of the uncouth and young.
He, however, knew what lay at the far end of the unmapped region. Beyond the reach of the continent of Klewyth, lay an abandoned island, a forsaken land by both man and the gods they once worshipped. No whisper had yet graced his ears that any had discovered the ports of that old world, and he hoped that it remained that way as there were far worse that haunted those shores than the mere presence of parasites.
"Look, laddy, I've told ye, we're not leavin' our ropes 'til this matter's a settled." The captain would once again deflect, his arms crossed steadfastly across the open splay of his half-buttoned shirt. A soft hum reverberated through the mask that concealed his identity. A hand would reach within the shade of his large cloak, drawing forth a fat bag of gilded crescents, a commune in which he had found loosened most of even the hardest wills. Greed was always the downfall of man. "And as I've said, it is hard to investigate the cause when you cannot reach it." As expected, the curdled and grizzled fellow almost denied the payment, but hefted the sack instead with a disgruntled growl accenting the action. "If you lack men, I will help what crew of yours will brave the trip."
For anyone who wants to sail with definitely not Theo 8D We board the Kraken >8D
He is in disguise/wearing a mask that hides who and what he is.
RE: The Last Voyage of the Demeter - Helayne - 12-05-2023
Helayne Ilirium
She’d planned on returning to the peace of the wilds soon, having more than her share of the city life for one trip. She was glad to have seen Halfdan and Tanyi, even to see August again as horrible as his betrothal celebration had ended for both of them. That was until she’d walked through the city streets one last time, intending to give her goodbyes when she passed a growing crowd around a notice board. A similar missive exchanging hands among those gathered. She’d paused to watch a moment, Freya impatiently snorting at her side. The steady wave of panic, confusion, and fear was almost palpable as they tried to speak over one another, other’s running off towards the docks. She debated trying to see what it said, but at the end of it wasn’t her business she guessed, and thought it better she hurry rather than stick around. Instead she made her way to the shop, only to find Tanyi leaning gracefully against her counter, the same missive in her hands, her gaze darting across the page. She’d come to stand beside her, reading over her shoulder.
The conversation from there had been quick. Tanyi was going, of course she was. Her connection to everything divine and otherworldly would be drawn to such an event, if it truly was some source of magic. Hel had leaned beside her on the counter, finding herself almost nervous for Tanyi. The woman understood the supernatural far more than she did though, but Hel had only experienced the horrors from it all. Worst of all it was across the northern sea, a place she had once long ago called home. The scars along her back had felt suddenly too tight as if in warning, their deep smooth grooves burning in reminder of what happened when you crossed one of them. Her memories flashed briefly to the blood soaked snow, the smell of smoke and decay, a marrow deep cold settling into her bones. Tanyi had saved her life though, and was a powerful occultist and spellcaster. She suddenly felt she had to know more.
So it was, she made her way alone towards the docks now in search of Tanyi and a ship that would dare take them out of port. Well, mostly alone. Freya and Ghost had stayed behind at the forge, Sif flew somewhere overhead, avoiding the strangers below. It was more crowded then she’d ever remembered seeing it. So many ships were docked and more of them anchored not too far out at sea who could not fit among the crowd. The urgent hum of panic and excitement she’d seen in the city days earlier was mimicked here, the frenzy of those who greedily sought out the Queen’s reward, while others were preparing their crews for the long haul of staying inland.
One such ship looked as if it was making its preparations to leave, if begrudgingly. ”If you lack men, I will help what crew of yours will brave the trip." She made her way up the gangway, the wind whipping through her long silver hair and the black cloak around her. ”I’ll also be glad to help,” she offered, looking between the masked stranger and the captain.
RE: The Last Voyage of the Demeter - Tanyi - 12-14-2023
Lavalles. The name was declared in bold lettering on a sign that swung to and fro to the rhythm of guiding gales. Quiet cries of weeping metal were overwhelmed by the natural clamour erupting from the capital and the carriages ferrying people hither and yonder. A deluge of voices shouted in the distance. Each one was indistinguishable but further mingled with the bustle of the busy streets to inevitably drown in the chaos.
Countless faces were wandering the streets, some haggardly, nearly mirroring those familiar beggars tucked into the dark recesses of Shanton's favela. Others held the best bib and band, flaunting their wealth with fine clothing and intricate parasols to keep away the harsh rays of a growing summer sun. Venturing deeper into the heart of the city, shops of vast selection lined the way tucked between towering apartments until one heard the caw of seagulls and ship horns announcing one's arrival at the docks.
The shouts grew louder here as fishermen loaded their trawlers with enough supplies to last the duration of their voyage. Many more, however, were intent on staying ashore. Tanyi LeFer watched with an almost childlike curiosity gleaming within her silver eyes. Rarely would she leave the confines of the Toad & Thyme, her shop whose foundations were rooted at the edges of Shanton's city walls. If it weren't for the queen's memorandum, she may not have come at all.
Nervously she fidgeted with a copy of the flyer between her wispy fingers. Excitement, concern. A menagerie of emotion blossomed in her breast but she had little time to focus on any of those racing thoughts before a voice shouted at her.
"Oi, wench! Looking for a qui-" His voice drifted to one of disgust as he rounded her side and took in the disfigured flesh. While she was used to that reaction, it still pained her. More so as he pulled the brim of his hat lower and quickly moved away.
Tanyi shook her head, strawberry-blonde tresses drifting over her back with the motion before the familiar coo of a voice reached her. Excitement renewed as she sought the silhouette that had visited her shop just days before and she could not restrain the smile that beamed nearly ear to ear when she'd caught it in the corner of her eye. Helayne. She'd insisted on accompanying her on this journey and though Tanyi knew the voyage would be dangerous, having a strong hunter like Helayne could be helpful.
Besides, it gave them more time together before the hunter would inevitably part ways.
"Helayne! I didn't think I'd find you." Tanyi reached out as she approached the hind of the woman and noticed another familiar face tucked behind a mask. One that only she could recognize and that knowing seeped into the gleam of her studious iris that watched him offer a sack of coins to the unwilling captain. As Helayne offered assistance, so too did the occultist as she also withdrew a small satchel of payment, an offering to the hesitant sailor. "I can't offer much, but I do have ways of protecting your ship from whatever magic is out there."
RE: The Last Voyage of the Demeter - Kojirō - 01-12-2024
There came a passing twinge of annoyance as intrusction to investigate the Queen’s summons reached his ears. Crimson sights fixating upon the damned with a heavy tone of disinterest. While the circumstances all sounded rather peculiar, intriguing even, Kojirō wasn’t exactly looking to gain another notch of death. Forked tendrils pressed from the serpent’s maw as judgmental stare refused to waver, however, after a brief discussion with the good master they found agreement.
No matter one’s distate in the matter he would heed the call. Poke around for both their benefit and be rewarded in turn. If he was lucky something rather tantalizing could be brought drug back to the bath house when all was said and done. Even some monstrosity of the waves offered temptation. Those freaks paid good coin for the sins of human flesh, imagine what they may offer for a taste of something new and exotic. That chance of discovery is what truly tugged upon strings of curiosity and bid his step to the port.
Eyes roving over bound vessels until settling upon a figure scurrying up the gangway to the upper deck and it was this stranger he chased. Her focus swiftly settling upon another aboard, pointed ears twitching toward such exclamation. Joyous phrase before they turned to the captain. Each seeming keen on offering assitance while Kojirō figured a presence alone would be sign of that.
Nothing more than a glance, a noticeably reptilian smile given toward the captain. A man seen in more than just passing if those gut turning features were remembered correctly. Grizzled and hardy, at least a body made up for what one perceived as an unbecoming countenance. Only to drift, finding a sense of enrapturement upon one veiled - the only one bearing such adornments for even the woman with twisting flesh did not hide away.
Oddity only drew him nearer, an arm hoping to snake its way about the unknown’s shoulders as if a dear friend. Hoping to guide him in close as lyrics purred quietly toward an assumed ear, “What have you got hidden away under that pretty little mask hmm?” Was he some creature so horridly deformed one could not bear the thought of allowing another soul to behold him? Or merely a man with something to hide, a crook evading the law, a peasant stepping out of line… thoughts hoped for the former. Forked tongue flicking as a glimmer of gold caught the light, that fiery gaze searching as if he could peer through the slits made for another’s eyes.
RE: The Last Voyage of the Demeter - Theodred - 01-21-2024
Helayne was the first familiar face to arrive, with Tanyi following closely upon her heels. The stone in his pocket almost seemed to hum its faintest of greetings to her, a warmth settled decisively against the chill of his skin covered wholly beneath his garb and guise. The captain of the ship seemed increasingly exasperated, clearly having no expectations of having more than one crazed explorer insisting upon the venture into the unknown. More than pleased with their offer to contribution, he seemed perturbed, almost as if he had deigned to once again change his mind, never having wholly agreed to the request to begin with. Yet his fingers tightened faintly around the satchel of crescents now palmed within his possession. It wasn't until the occultists chiding in of protection that his features lit up, elongated ears nearly twitching at her aid. It seemed that he had a fear rooted of magic in their destination.
While Theodred knew of a wide variety of arcanum, he couldn't fathom a reason why it would suddenly be present in the surrounding waters. There was one tongue, in particular though, that muttered his disgust at the shop owner's strawberry locks. "As if 'aving women aboard ain't bad enough..." he all but hissed, while another eyed their ragtag gang just as suspiciously, but remained silent. The captain also gave them another once over, his lip curdling faintly into something bordering between a grimace and a deep frown before he wholly pocketed the money, but extended his fingers once again. "More folk, more crescents." Behind the protection of the mask, silver eyes narrowed upon the man. He knew full and well that the original purse was more than enough to make ends meet for he, this small lot, and perhaps even more besides. While he was not overly guarded of his funds, he also didn't favor being blatantly cheated, either.
His objection was momentarily silenced, however, as a limb suddenly slithered upon his shoulders. The entirety of his body stiffened, masked visage whipping sharply in the direction of the offender. “What have you got hidden away under that pretty little mask hmm?” the sly vocals crooned close against his ear. There was a barely leashed violence in the way he grabbed the stranger's wrist, lifting it over his head without lowering it and tucking it tightly back to the serpent's side. "Nothing of concern to you." The words were empty, but the taut grip he slowly relinquished upon the limb was slow in recoiling, a lingering, unspoken warning.
It was then, he likewise turned back to the captain. His steps would carry him closer to the man, a passing phrase whispered from beyond the mask in the privacy just between them. "Would you have me tell the queen you cheat her?" Perhaps it was the vague recognition of the gleaming nickel beyond his cover that loaned honesty to such a claim, or perhaps it was simply fear of the Lady Kaplan herself, but the grizzled man relented with a jagged nod. "Of course, yes." His voice would raise in volume as he shouldered the sag of his canvas sack. An arm would wave the party aboard. "All on that's goin'. I won't wait for another soul."
since the fae lands have been revealed, you're free to say we set sail uwu if jahi has anything to add or any impending disasters for us, i suppose she'll just have to let us know 8D