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bells of santa fe - Printable Version +- Hemlock & Lace (https://hemlock-rpg.com) +-- Forum: Vufrien (https://hemlock-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Forum: Kaisermont (https://hemlock-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14) +--- Thread: bells of santa fe (/showthread.php?tid=591) |
bells of santa fe - Daesn'yri - 12-18-2023 ![]() ![]() ![]()
Vutris remained close at her side as she roamed the emptier streets of Kaisermont. It had been quite some time since she had trespassed these streets, and it was nothing but her loosened leash of freedom that brought her here. A watchful eye of the Belevron household remained close by, of course, one she held little objection to. If she truly yearned for privacy, she supposed such a gaze would be easy enough to sever. She knew not the pathways of the smaller city, but the wilds were far closer than the walls of Odersten would allow. Her adventure today was not malicious by any means, no intention to try and rid herself of these gilded shackles, a vow she had made in sacrifice to the weaker of the twins. No, she mainly made her way through in order to taste the salty breeze of the sea upon her tongue again. In some respects, this place reminded her of that city by the ocean. The faces here were gaunt however, like many of the beggars had been - like she had been, but unlike then, even those that worked and toiled looked thin and she feared for them should a strong breeze wrack their bones. But oh how lovely it would be to glide upon the zephyrs with naught but a shirt as a sail, as a parachute to plant roots in some other far distant scene. Like the delicate dandelion seeds of their sacred grounds, the desert oasis where one could feel the gentler glissade of grass underfoot in place of grueling sands. She drew in deeply the smell of the pier, the filth and purity alike. The long days of summer accented both, the stretching fingers of the sun's rays poured over the glittering, genial waves. It brought back memories, both the good and the bad. She could picture herself with her sisters seated neatly upon the boardwalk, legs up to their knees dipped in the comfortable temperatures of the tide dragging too and fro as they indulged in flavored ice. That was before they were no longer welcome through the gates of the sahara jewel. That was the last time she'd had such a treat, and she wasn't certain if it made the imagery sweeter or left it completely bitter in hindsight. What would they think, if they could see her now? To see her dressed in layers of clothing? Of lace and bows? To see her wild hair tamed and neatly contended with? What would they think of this pier? It wasn't as large as theirs, it wasn't as clean and the faces didn't smile nearly as much, but the bruises left behind upon the tenderness of her heart softly whispered they would find contentment here. Once upon a time, they would have found happiness no matter where they were as long as they were together. Her father may have claimed he knew not how to raise children without his wife, but they would be forced to disagree with him. She would beg to differ. But she was the only one left of them now. Perhaps the only remnant what so ever of her people as a whole. She sighed as she slipped the shoes from her feet and settled herself on the ledge, hiking up her skirts and allowing her limbs to dip into the waves. They were considerably colder than those she remembered, but the sensation felt the same. It felt lonely now. RE: bells of santa fe - Leslie - 01-04-2024 ![]() Fear radiated from him. Eyes nervously flickering toward each skulking figure which seemingly passed him by, ever watchful of these strangers even when some were nothing more than a conjuration of a stricken mind. Yet no matter how one may wish to flee back into the cloaked safety of the wilds there was reason for coming here. These peculiar beasts, or rather, the stalls they tended held materials needed. Steels heads for arrows a blessing. Quicker to bind without needing to first fashion them from stone or bone, their tips always promising to be sharp. Piercing. All it really came down to was a matter of payment. Glimmering coin stolen from where others so carelessly dropped it upon the cobbles or, on occasion, by parting with pieces of prey beasts. The latter one the crow preferred not for so much of it could be used - a lot of it was needed to survive. Hides and fur to take the place of bedding, larger bone for makeshift blades or pins for fabrics of camp, the meat itself filling not only his own belly but Cricket’s as well with a majority of the more questionable organs pawned off on the best as well. It was better not to share with those who knew not its value. This night sacrifices had to be made. Metallic talons curling ever tighter, possessively, about a carefully wrapped package. One concealing a hefty chunk of boar meat. Hopefully one with the blazing fire and heavy resounding clang of an iron hammer was still awake. Perhaps he would consider the same trade Leslie had struggled through vocalizing upon their last meeting but, if one was remembered, at least this time he would not have to struggle so hard for the proper phrases. However, one could only grow disheartened as quiet steps traversed the dimly lit streets. Many of those once lively structures now darkened by shadow, a mere flicker of candlelight dancing within the housing nearby while buildings of greater volume bore much more vivid lighting. Yet they were not what was sought. “Ithquenti xsiol,” curse mumbled under his breath. It was likely he’d come to late in the evening which only sparked his reluctance to remain to grow ever stronger at the thought. He could check back tomorrow. Come in the morning and linger if needed to ensure a bargain could be made but until such a time presented itself the woods called his name. A path eagerly shifting to return from whence he came, only for paces to stop dead in their tracks. Cricket nearly colliding into him at this sudden stop as questioning chirp sounded from the young draconian’s maw. Scaled crown tilting as they gave the feathered one a once over before chasing his gaze. One fixated on a stranger upon the docks and the creatures seemingly perched at her side. Reptilian features, multiple heads sprouting from a singular body, hydra. And yet while a beast treasured should have held the boy’s gaze it was another he became glued upon. For the crow bristled at the very sight of a hound. Wanting to pull back and vanish into the shadows as if he’d never even beheld the drake nestled beside her. Distrust, unease, terror; it all fluctuated so vibrantly upon his essence - something he tried so hard to subdue, to reign in for he knew all too well how wolves could sense such things. Weakeness they were ever eager to pick apart. Yet there is a passing boldness found beneath that fleeting sense of familiarity found when looking upon another draconic. His steps unhurried, hesitant in his approach as lyrics fell upon shaken breath. Believing this one may find understanding behind them, “Ui batobot jaesk de gasak tenpiswo? Svabol ui asta ominak?” RE: bells of santa fe - Daesn'yri - 01-08-2024 ![]() ![]() ![]() Her voice was low as she hummed softly to the waves and to her companions. The little drake had long since curled up next to her, relishing in the rays of the sun that pooled upon the glitter of their scales. Vutris lay on the other, his paws nearly dipped into the water as well as he merely watched the crests of froth foam upon the distant waves before sputtering out in a hail of mist. She was uncertain of how long the trio had been content like this, but such tranquility scattered as the wolf would lurch from his relaxed posture. His ears flicked forward and as she looked for the cause of his disturbance, she would find his attention settled upon an unknown figure. She would narrow her eyes upon them, unable to discern much of anything about their person beyond the searing light of the sun. Though no warning growl met them from the canine's lips, she still felt a heavy sense of unease riding upon her shoulders as the stranger seemed to be making very determined strides in her direction. The hand that had been stroking the little dragonling instead curled protectively about it, pulling it up and into her arms defensively as she rose. As they slowly made their way closer with what seemed to be tentatively measured steps, more details became clearer - those they wanted to be seen, that was. She had never before held the likeness of such a face covering, and while that alone piqued her curiosity, it was his words that incurred it most. Now, it was the hydra's turn to appear somewhat perplexed. Originally, apprehesive confusion had been the forefront of their shared concious, one that had deepened into stark fear as she had shifteed to grip them. However, words that th other spoke that held no weight upon her own limited knowledge seemed to spark a different reaction all together. Claws that had scratched along her arm relaxed, the three heads tilting in varying direction as luminous eyes raked over the stranger. Again, those talons flexed, though this time softly upon her arm as they brushed the tendrils of her cerebrum, a vague hint of understanding parting between them. She hesitated briefly as she allowed her focus to leave the dark mask and linger momentarily upon the dragon. "They haven't told me yet." She began slowly, uncertain if her words would be understood at all. "I-I've only been caring for them wh-while waiting for their mother." The words themseelves held an affectionate tone, her middle finger stroking comfortably up the forehead of the center skull before the others rallied for her attention as well. Affection she was quick to give the babes. "What of yours?" RE: bells of santa fe - Leslie - 01-10-2024 ![]() Terror froze him into place the moment a canine lurched from where it lay. Eyes glued upon the hound while false talons coiled tightly to the packaged meat in hand, puncturing that once carefully bound flesh. His heart racing as breath dared to grow unsteady the longer he fixated upon the beast for even while paws did not stride forth to confront him, its very presence stirred discomfort. Agitated memories of time the crow could not forget. Worry clouded his mind, threatened to override all else he wished to accomplish from such an approach, send him back the way he came before even thinking to engage with one who cradled a draconian youth so tightly. Panic surged within his veins and yet no matter how one may quiver a voice still called out in hopes for even a glimpse of understanding. Only to be met with the same confusion every other soul offered in this realm. It reflected so clearly in her eyes, mixing with the uncertainty of beholding the lost. It was foolish to hope for more. At least until attentions flickered more to to the trio of crowns, watchful of the way each tilted and peered toward him. Whatever frantic notions had once seized their conscious apparently dimming into contentment as their limbs ceased their scrambling. Yet they did not speak. Not to him anyways for where there had once been a stark sign of not knowing came a sense of recognition as her fingers stroked each reptilian skull which vied for her affections. However, the tone which fled her lips hardly pierced the crow’s mind, leaving a visage to scrunch behind adornment as if it may twist the very lyrics into a tongue understood. This land’s native language one he should learn and yet distrust bid him not to interact with one long enough to ask. Leaving the boy with little grasp over it and this not knowing brought him to shift in place. Nowhere to truly hide out on the pier lest he chose to duck behind the very hatchling who looked on with an unbound sense of excitement toward one cradled. A delighted chirp reverberating within the dragon’s throat as they attempted to beckon a ‘captive’ playmate to wriggle free. However, whether the hydra would listen to the shameless pleas of a fellow youth remained to be seen. Matters Leslie did not focus on as he attempted to grasp those winding lyrics. Mother, caring, no name to give. No ominak. Noticeable distress plagued the crow as he struggled to find understanding, attentions flickering to Cricket as if they alone knew such phrases despite only ever speaking with him upon a reptilian tongue. Yet all he was met with was a clicking purr of reassurance as the dauntless beast danced impatiently at his side. Insistent on getting this new found draconian to their level. So instead focus turns more toward the cradled youth to ask it alone what calling it may hold, at least if such an honor would be bestowed. “Svabol ominak tepohaic tiichia dout crown jaesk?” A moment of silence given before eyes flickered back toward the woman, thinking back to what she had said all while fingers still clung tightly to what lay in hand to prevent giving in to desires of letting arms cross protectively before him. Thoughts racing. Mother? What happened to mother? Is that what she wished to know? At such assumptions a frown creased unseen lips as crimson gaze averted, watchful of Cricket as he spoke, “Asta dask ui nelith zyak si mi ahfvenir doege di Cricket halkvri sia sulta.” Short shaken breath sounding before those eyes dared return to the stranger, “Wer mior dreikic plyna vi kehlash kagh jaciv jahus slain, oli for svabol dril si tir ti vucot. nomagqe for jacioniv denthanus citrel wer leirith ini shripomn.” RE: bells of santa fe - Daesn'yri - 01-26-2024 ![]() ![]() ![]()
She couldn't help but noticee the way those pale blushed eyes riveted to the form of Vutris as the wolf shifted his weight. While she knew in certainy that the canine would not break from her side unless she gave him the command, she could easily discern that his presence and the weight of his attention caused the stranger a great unease. She would offer him a soft smile, her head tilting softly towards her faithful companion and allowed her hand to pat gently against the wharf. The wordless beckon was met with his immediate obediance as he relaxed once more upon the warmth of the aged wood. The only sign he even still took heed of the masked figure's existence being the soft curve and twitch of his ear. However, her own focus was quickly displaced to the small dragon that accompanied the newfound comany. The insistant chirps had the hyrda swiftly raising their heads and their pairs of glittering eyes fixating upon the figure. They vaguely recoiled, a fluttering twitch rolling along the shared spin as those talons flexed upon her gently gripping at her arm. Despite their uncertainty, their gaze did not stray, elongated necks wrenching to carefully watch the little creature. It was the shift of her frame that finally had the babe slipping to the ground, cautiously as it still sought to observe the chirping one from behind her back until she stood. Then, the body was quick to warp itself about her ankles. She couldn't help but be amused by the little ones as the hydra finally uncoiled itself, almost akin to a cat as it sidled closer to the beckoner. The middle crown would ascend towards the stranger as he addressed them. The other two, however, remained quite content with observing their 'playmate'. We are named Dracul, Draco, Drago. The center would inform, his voice just barely a whisper upon a tentativee mental brush. One that did not yet have the practice of a singular tone, a cadence that one could not decipher the intonation of. As if many at once and yet in the same instance, none at all. Dae would merely shake her head at the stranger's explanation, finding naught that she personally understood of the dialect. One word stood out. Cricket. Her fingers extended, a slow motion so as not to startle either the masked one, nor their companion. "Cricket?" She inquired, before lifting her outstretched palm to the speaker himself. "Or.... Cricket?" Regardless, she would offer him a slight bow of her head in greeting. Knowing the struggles of having trouble understanding a foreign tongue, she would struggle a moment to speak plainly and without her stammer, though both hands would turn towards herself, gently patting her collarbone. "Arabella." she introduced herself, the genunity of her beam never faltering from her countenance. |