Hemlock & Lace
Myths & Legends - Printable Version

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Myths & Legends - Vali - 06-19-2022

These woods weren’t his home, but they would do. He had left Codrin back at camp, having traveled a couple of days into Crue. What was he looking for? He really didn’t know. But he had not mustered up the courage to go into the big cities or settlements yet. He’d watch from the outskirts, interested and curious, but never actually getting close enough to mingle.

He walked easily between the trees, taking mental note of the differences of these woods and the ones back in Vufrien. There was no place like home, but still, this was a beautiful area.

The sun was just about to fall behind the horizon line, setting into dark thirty, where Vali then chose to sit against a large boulder. He pressed his back to it and slid all the way to the sod, exerting an exasperated huff as he dug into his satchel for a slab of jerky to gnaw on. The air was cooling, the nighttime bugs and creatures were starting up their songs, and he sat wondering how beneficial it would be to shift and go for a nice, thrilling night hunt.

RE: Myths & Legends - Aariak - 06-21-2022

All that lingered this night was the hope of finding some fool amidst these woods, some soul easily targeted when those with arrangements made lay out of reach. And yet it is the blood of beasts which stains the air. Creatures who would not curb that growing thirst, provide nothing more than a tease of satisfaction should one attempt to indulge in their elixir. Nothing fulfilling. Merely a passing thrill. Thoughts which drew hissing breath between fangs perhaps he should have clung more closely to the realms of mortals.

Lament that may have clung to the mind if not for the rise of distraction, the tell tale perfumes of a wolf swiftly filling the senses. What was one doing within Crue Efros? He supposed it was not overly unheard of and yet a path still shifted toward this unknown. However, the more he focused upon it the vague pings of familiarity shone through the haze. That potential for growing tensions steadily ebbing away as instead lips spread in fanged smile. Going to this one may prove far more entertaining than a hunt. Perhaps one so seemingly simple could even be convinced to come along, to help him out despite needing none.

A thought which brought a gentle hum of amusement to reverberate in his throat, all he had to do was find the man. Such a task hardly difficult for the stink of mongrel was easily discerned from those more feral beasts. It twas a far cry from the delicacy offered by human flesh, different still from the aromas of the undead. Yet in the end none of that truly mattered for what rang clearest in his mind was this unknown. This nameless man who had still managed to enrapture his focus - at least for a time. The luminescence of his gaze quick to dance over surroundings until finally they’d come to rest upon an overhang, foliage brushing over the curve of stone.

‘There.’ Steps hardly silent as jewelry clinked with each motion, the same boldness another had shown in their previous meeting displayed in the way fingers dared to trail along the other’s jawline the moment he drew near enough. The brief prick of nails curling beneath those rugged features in hopes of forcing that gaze up for once rather than his own having to seek such heights. To him it mattered not if those eyes had already wandered, already held upon him for this was merely a part of the game. A display the damned need not put on and yet he was nothing if not excessive.

“Now what are you doing out this way? You do know wolves aren’t exactly revered in Crue Efros right?” Far from it in fact for so often they were marked as the enemy. Though unlike a number of his kin the decorated man held no qualms with beasts, no distaste in lingering in their presence even if the smell was hard ignore at times. And while for this one he may not have held a name it would not halt the torment of one vaguely familiar. It was his turn to do the touching though he was not foolish enough to think those hands would not stray to find fabric or flesh in time. Especially with such close proximity and the seeming allowance of such an act.

RE: Myths & Legends - Vali - 06-23-2022

Vali knew the risks, but he didn’t really…care, in a sense. Perhaps it was the thrill of the danger that fueled him to come this far into Vamp territory. He sniffed out at the familiar stranger, looking to the beautiful man. He knew him, but not his name yet, but he remembered fondly how he requested Vali not touch him. Even now the urged to put a hand on him was difficult to refuse. With ease, the wolf’s tall figure pivoted to face the vamp, a small grin tugged at his feral features.
"Found you,"
Growling tones suggested Vali was up this way specifically for the man. Was he? Maybe. Who knew.

He went on to say wolves weren’t revered here in Crue. This much Vali knew, mainly from bad experiences, but it would never stop him from coming up this way. He has no ties to a pack, to an alpha. He was a lone wolf who followed no one’s law.
"Won’t cause trouble,"
Primitive voice laced in a half assed promise. He took a step toward him, a large hand reaching out before he’d suddenly stop his advances and look deep within his eyes.
"No touching,"
Mutual respect was part of social normalcy, right? Vali struggled. But he let his hand fall to his side without ever touching the man as he so wished to do. Partly because he’d been told no, and partly because he was still so damn pretty to look at. Vali wasn’t sure where his sexuality lay, but he was an attractive vampire nonetheless.