03-09-2025, 08:40 PM

Raking stout fingers through her wild curls, Agdis growled her frustration, drawing bemused stares of those around her as she stomped one foot before cringing slightly in discomfort for her trouble. Rubbing at her sore thigh, she let go a massive groan. She just couldn't take the city anymore. The filth and disorder were getting to her, the madness of it all. The shanties of the refugees with nowhere else to go slap-dashed up against any vertical surface amidst gutters overflowing with muck, the hogs and street cleaners hopeless to keep pace. The dissonant shrieks of children, washerwomen, workers, and hawkers like some raucous chorus of the damned. Hell if she didn't miss the regimented orderliness of the military camps, or better yet, the quiet of her mountains...
A while later she strode out through the city's southern gate with a bottle of something strong clutched in one powerful hand. She skirted the lakeshore until she found a massive fallen log jutting out over the water. She tested it's balance first of course, then, sure it wasn't going anywhere any time soon, she walked out a short ways before sitting down to stare out over the water. Stretching a bit to trail the fingers of her free hand in the cold reflections below, she grimaced. The ache was a good one though as her shoulder, shattered by a golem's punch in the battle for Dunmeath so many months before, flexed beneath her vest. With how many pieces it had been in, it had taken three surgeries to remove all the shrapnel of stone and bone, then months of physical therapy to get everything restored and back in order. The military's hospital moved slowly, when it moved at all, but she really couldn't complain. At least they'd been able to save her arm and leg...
Lifting the bottle to her lips she took a swig, then poured a little out over the water for those who'd been less lucky, for the friends she'd lost, and for those she knew she would lose still. May they find peace in what comes after...
A while later she strode out through the city's southern gate with a bottle of something strong clutched in one powerful hand. She skirted the lakeshore until she found a massive fallen log jutting out over the water. She tested it's balance first of course, then, sure it wasn't going anywhere any time soon, she walked out a short ways before sitting down to stare out over the water. Stretching a bit to trail the fingers of her free hand in the cold reflections below, she grimaced. The ache was a good one though as her shoulder, shattered by a golem's punch in the battle for Dunmeath so many months before, flexed beneath her vest. With how many pieces it had been in, it had taken three surgeries to remove all the shrapnel of stone and bone, then months of physical therapy to get everything restored and back in order. The military's hospital moved slowly, when it moved at all, but she really couldn't complain. At least they'd been able to save her arm and leg...
Lifting the bottle to her lips she took a swig, then poured a little out over the water for those who'd been less lucky, for the friends she'd lost, and for those she knew she would lose still. May they find peace in what comes after...