Ghostly Gatherings
05-27-2022, 04:22 PM
Poltergeist's Storage [:
05-27-2022, 04:25 PM
Poltergeist my personal hell
These aches – pains. Where do they come from? Body restless, aching joint. Comatose sleep forced stiffness in my waking step. Disoriented breath to escape these dark, tarnished lips. What am I doing – why did I agree to this… The game of twenty questions to find and pester my mind betwixt the demons to gander the hunt. My madness.
ooc: ?code © Chip | Art © Okie
05-27-2022, 04:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2022, 04:33 PM by Poltergeist.)
POLTERGEIST OMEN TOMBSTONE roam where demons lay Time. Its such a funny little demon – a shapeshifter of sorts. Like the river when the water flows, it is never the same water that one steps in. Always changing, moving just as time tick tocks away. A different second, a different moment and ever fleeting. Once upon a time, I never thought I would ever return to this place: to Carus. I never thought that the walls I’ve built over the years would be lifted so easily by his words – his touch and actions to break through them and mend the pieces in which he shattered. Of course, there was the struggle, the determination to keep those walls standing strong. My demons of which I still continue to fight within the shadows oft continue their tyrannical muses of destruction to drown me in my hysteria. The behemoth sleeps for now, though the hunger growls ever vivaciously with this new found magic that swells inside of me as I teeter with my demons of doubt and fault. While I grow stronger, as does the monster in side of me… and I am afraid, I am so, so afraid. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi quis tellus nec massa mollis faucibus. Etiam bibendum risus nec arcu vestibulum venenatis. Curabitur interdum consequat gravida. Fusce nec odio quis arcu auctor auctor. Integer ac odio rhoncus, viverra nisl viverra, blandit elit. Fusce feugiat eget nibh et rhoncus. Nunc sollicitudin volutpat commodo. Cras pretium lacus non orci molestie hendrerit. Praesent ligula augue, vehicula auctor blandit et, ultrices eu tellus. Integer suscipit arcu ut tincidunt bibendum. Praesent placerat tortor in lacus venenatis cursus. Ut nec tincidunt dolor, sed eleifend mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla pharetra, diam dapibus imperdiet tincidunt, nibh eros fermentum leo, in imperdiet arcu neque in urna. Suspendisse non cursus mauris. Praesent in posuere lacus. Ut erat lectus, gravida ac libero sagittis, rhoncus rutrum enim. Nullam in mauris vel metus faucibus dignissim vulputate volutpat lectus. Proin a urna lacus. Sed condimentum scelerisque venenatis. Duis mattis placerat velit in vehicula. Cras at pulvinar augue. Nullam vitae velit convallis, feugiat urna consectetur, accumsan nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc scelerisque orci est, nec gravida sapien lacinia vestibulum. "!"
05-27-2022, 04:30 PM
Poltergeist Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi quis tellus nec massa mollis faucibus. Etiam bibendum risus nec arcu vestibulum venenatis. Curabitur interdum consequat gravida. Fusce nec odio quis arcu auctor auctor. Integer ac odio rhoncus, viverra nisl viverra, blandit elit. Fusce feugiat eget nibh et rhoncus. Nunc sollicitudin volutpat commodo. Cras pretium lacus non orci molestie hendrerit. Praesent ligula augue, vehicula auctor blandit et, ultrices eu tellus. Integer suscipit arcu ut tincidunt bibendum. Praesent placerat tortor in lacus venenatis cursus. Ut nec tincidunt dolor, sed eleifend mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla pharetra, diam dapibus imperdiet tincidunt, nibh eros fermentum leo, in imperdiet arcu neque in urna. Suspendisse non cursus mauris. Praesent in posuere lacus. Ut erat lectus, gravida ac libero sagittis, rhoncus rutrum enim. Nullam in mauris vel metus faucibus dignissim vulputate volutpat lectus. Proin a urna lacus. Sed condimentum scelerisque venenatis. Duis mattis placerat velit in vehicula. Cras at pulvinar augue. Nullam vitae velit convallis, feugiat urna consectetur, accumsan nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc scelerisque orci est, nec gravida sapien lacinia vestibulum. Suspendisse tincidunt placerat tincidunt. Quisque leo velit, varius eget nisi at, cursus scelerisque sapien. Aliquam porttitor, mauris sit amet congue hendrerit, nibh ligula iaculis lacus, in ultrices nisi dolor nec eros. Nullam consectetur lacus quis ligula volutpat facilisis. In turpis nisi, consequat quis aliquet ut, sodales in urna. Suspendisse lacinia vulputate eros. Suspendisse dictum turpis sit amet fringilla pharetra. In eleifend magna ut lacus rhoncus efficitur ut a justo. Quisque nec enim aliquet, vestibulum enim semper, fringilla neque. Fusce sit amet viverra lorem. Quisque lectus lacus, scelerisque vel efficitur ut, imperdiet quis felis. Aliquam sed auctor nunc, eu ullamcorper nisl. Cras porttitor viverra magna a convallis. Morbi vel accumsan massa. Pellentesque ac tellus ac turpis feugiat varius. Praesent tellus tellus, laoreet vitae sapien a, aliquam venenatis arcu. Nullam iaculis gravida ligula, et porta nisi commodo in. Etiam a arcu non quam rutrum imperdiet finibus porta nisi. Fusce feugiat at velit volutpat mattis. Aenean a nulla a mauris lobortis porta vel in nulla. Nullam nibh ante, tempus blandit fringilla a, rhoncus quis elit. Ut ac mauris semper, ullamcorper quam in, mattis lacus. Nam a turpis eget ligula consequat tincidunt a a ligula. Vestibulum pulvinar quam in volutpat imperdiet. Phasellus vel libero pharetra, laoreet nisi eu, iaculis tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque quis sem purus. Nullam nec augue in leo viverra hendrerit a at augue. Etiam nisi orci, aliquam semper fringilla vitae, faucibus in massa. Nam condimentum massa quis purus consequat, sagittis aliquet ex posuere. Sed maximus est nec tellus lobortis maximus. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus hendrerit eget orci ut consectetur. Morbi vehicula lectus sed leo porttitor blandit. Suspendisse potenti. Ut in lectus ut odio gravida cursus vitae ut diam. Aliquam aliquet vulputate nisi ac dapibus. Curabitur congue tellus fringilla tortor pretium fringilla. Vivamus ut felis tempus massa iaculis ultrices. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur eleifend eu sem pretium sagittis. Ut id ante sit amet quam varius hendrerit. Nam sed maximus erat, sed dictum felis. Donec non libero imperdiet, porta metus sit amet, tristique eros. Nam a euismod sem.
05-27-2022, 04:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2022, 04:32 PM by Poltergeist.)
01-03-2023, 08:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2023, 08:53 PM by Poltergeist.)
All's fair In love and war
Once upon a time, there was a young woman with a troubled heart and a troubled mind; a man who could sway and woo the hearts of many, wisking them to their beds and be gone before the peek of sunrise. The man and the woman met one day… and the woman wanted nothing to do with him, and did everything she could to turn him away…. But the man proved just as persistent and stubborn as she, so set in her ways, and that is where their story began… I never thought this day would come – just as I never thought the events that have since unfolded, ebbed onto the shores of my life. Just as the very beginning, once upon a time ago, when I tried so desperately to shut you out of my life: as I’ve done with many others who wanted in. Stubborn man: burning passion and desire – determination and persistence enabled you to break down the barriers I’d forged. So long I fought, in fear – in a darkness and void, held back by my demons because I tried so damn hard not to fall in love with you. I did not think it was possible – sometimes, I still often times, think my life is the realities of the fabled beasts many claim only I can see: when they stand before me so real and haunted. That… maybe one day I will wake up from this hellish nightmare and everything would be….normal whatever normal may be. Oh, my darling. My heart wears a new scar, deep within: and to think I could no longer bear any more scars. I feel as if I have failed you. I have failed our children, and I have failed myself. My tears have long since dried and now a numbness haunts me like the beast that sleeps inside. How foolish I was: to think I could wrestle with the GODS … to think that just for a moment… just once I could fool the reapers grasps and steal you back from it. That I could out fox that coy, sly beast and leave it empty-handed. I was wrong. I hope that our children, as they grow and mature – and oh how quickly they are growing – that they will remember you as a great man of might and strength, revered in the stories to tell their children to come and that they learn from these times despite the hardships it bears, they can take this and become stronger and start a new chapter for this mountain and carry on in your name. I suppose now this is where it must end, even if I wish it could carry on. Our time together has come to a close, my dearest, your life forever bound to the heavens now as I remain upon this earth: unfinished. I pray your pain has passed and that peace guides you now. Though you may not be part of this world any longer: may your story carry on, now and forever more. I always will. Rest easy now, my beloved.
12-04-2023, 11:42 PM
12-11-2023, 08:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2024, 09:20 PM by Poltergeist.)
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