04-03-2023, 05:54 PM
![]() "Truly? A dragon?" She hums, thoughtful in the way her finger taps along the curve of her girlish cheek. She looks to her right, expectant, though to the naked eye there is naught there but air. However, to the faded blush of her pale gaze, there is a woman, elderly, freshly fixed hair. Her garments speak of her low social status, perhaps a farmer in life. "Yes, ma'am. It came from nowhere." The spirit would lament, her appearance coming after her death at the fiend's hand. She claimed she had been searching, looking everywhere for help. Woefully, no one else had laid eyes upon her save for Persephone, death's self-proclaimed bride. "Well, Genevieve, I don't know how much I can do on my own, but I'll try!" She promised, noting the nervousness of the ghost, as if she could still suffer the draconian's wrath in this form. "She can no longer harm you. You are safe now." She would offer the comforting coo, footfalls carrying them down the path towards the ruins of the woman's home - or at least that's what she had said. "Miss 'sephone, what's that?" The worried intonation of the little boy to her left - the woman's son - piqued up and she would look to where he gestured. Lying in the field amid the snow and slurried mud was a still body. The scent of blood was unmistakable, though she was certainly not surprised by the detail. In fact, she was surprised there wasn't more. "Oh my, what indeed?" Her words came as she leaned over the figure, rocking back and forth on her heels as she tried to peer past the cover of the mask that shielded features from her view. Hands unleashed from behind her back as she crouched nearby. She could hear his pulse, faint, but present. How very close her was to that ultimate freedom, a feat she almost envied. Oh to be mortal, to taste the cold release from death's cup once more. "Hello, dear." She spoke, eyes roving the horrid damage done to the youth's twisted frame. She gave a pause, not truthfully expecting him to respond to her, in her silence, she would place her hand tenderly upon his chest. She could feel the resonance of his heart, of the blood that flowed through it. "You're cold, but I suppose death doesn't want you yet." The edges of her lips turned upwards as she hummed quietly to the two of them, curious stare leashed to the machinations of his face cover. Her magic began its course, winding its way from her possession and into the organ where it would disperse throughout his veins. All in tempo to the hymn she shared with him. |