04-02-2023, 09:30 PM
![]() Warm pastels of dusk began to claim the near cloudless canvas overhead. Yet, there was still the occasional hustle and bustle of travelling merchants or active nobles taking their evening promenade. Golden sights lifted upward, watching the shift of clouds and the dancing sway of trees, teased by the jostling light breeze. The silhouette of the moon caused a gentle shiver down her spine, acknowledging the nearing days. School would be on its short break with her reasons being to break some of the monotony. “G’evenin’ Miss Andante!” Came a familiar voice, breaking through the deafening silence of her lost thoughts. Sonata blinked, fixing her gaze on the older gentleman, well into his sixties at best, if not a little older. He wore aged suspenders, a set of keys tied at his hip and a gray shirt – the groundskeeper. An amicable smile found Sonata’s lips as she dipped her head with a greeting, hand extending into the picnic basket that hung from her left arm, withdrawing two simple sandwiches to give him. “Evening, sir. How’s your wife fairing these days?” The aged man grinned, his cheeks flushed like that of a bashful schoolboy once upon a time. “She’s well as she can be, staring up her garden again this year! Seems promis’n.” Sonata beamed back in reply; “That sounds lovely, I’ll be starting a garden for the school soon to help teach the children a thing or two, perhaps I could get some pointers from her?” She extended her offer to the elder, to which he sheepishly obliged. “Awe, shucks she’d be delighted. I’ll be sure to let her know and send her your regards.” He assured. “But don’t let me keep yuh, I know they’re waitin’ on yuh.” The maidens expression softened as she nodded, briefly exchanging few more words before parting further into the neatly dressed cemetery. There were maybe two or three others making their visits. After a little ways, she came upon a willow tree and resting before it were two graves. “Hello loves.” Came a gentle coo, with only silence to answer. “Christoph, the hunting season has been a fair one this year., I've heard.” Sonata rolled out a blanket from the woven basket as she set it before the two graves, preparing the light meal. “School will be on their break in a few days, but the children seem excited for it.” she chuckled softly. “Oh, Aeolian dear, I remembered your favorite book today and some new flowers for the both of you.” She continued on as if she were speaking to a dear friend, idly snacking before she retrieved the short children’s book, settling herself between the two tombstones, and began to read aloud like she would to her students before down time. |