11-27-2023, 11:28 PM
![]() Helayne Ilirium
It had been hours since the party had dissolved into chaos, she could still hear the slow creep of panic as it had wend its way through the crowd on hushed whispers. She’d hurried to a guard, letting him know the condition of one of their guests of honor. Everything had happened rather quickly then. Guards had swarmed up the stairs, others hurried to find healers, more began to secure exits. She’d been pushed out of that hallowed inner circle, along with most of the other lower class she assumed. She’d seen others being dragged off down darkened corridors and had a brief moment of concern. Of course they’d want to interrogate and seek out who would dare attack the revered noble families. While they struggled to gain control of the situation, Hel had made her way through the darkened and empty gardens to Freya. The bay mare seemed to sense the growing tension and had raced through the dark on wings.
Halfdan was waiting in the soft light of a lantern when she’d made it to his cobbled street, concern etched into his weathered features. Ghost lay at his side, golden eyes lighting at the sight of her. ”I’ve heard whispers…” he’d spoken in hushed tones, as though the guards were close on her heels. She slid from the mare’s back, coiling the dark fabric of her gown into her hand, her other reaching for the tall angular head of the wolf as he came to press into her side. They made their way quickly into the barn, dimming the lantern as they went. ”Someone poisoned the wine…” she’d answered, frustration and concern edging her tone. She thought of August's wide and dull gaze, the way he slumped in his seat struggling to find words. Was he okay? She wanted to return to him, but she’d given him what aid she could in those quick brief moments. He now had the finest healers in the kingdom available to him at his side. There was little more she could offer him now. ”It’s not safe for you to be around those people,” the venom in Halfdan’s voice drew her back to the low lit barn. ”It’s not my place to tell you what to do, Hel… but this is a world far different than ours. Poisons,” he scoffed in disgust. ”The people here have no honor. They don’t fight hand to hand. It’s done with rumor and words and cowardly ways like poison.” Her nerves bristled in defense of… who? She had no one here, had no place here. There was none she truly owed her loyalty to. In truth she agreed with him. There were not many she’d met here that she’d respected. ”You’re right, it’s not your place. I’ve not forgotten where we are… Here, let me do that,” she stepped forward to take hold of the mare’s reins, interrupting Halfdan's attempt to tend to her, who was snorting her annoyance at his closeness. ”Very well,” he gave a half hearted smile, equal parts sad and angry. ”You’re welcome to stay here, as always. It’s probably safer for the night at least. I’m sure patrols will be out searching the streets.” With that he’d headed into the house. Hel made quick work removing the tack from Freya, brushing out her dappled coat. The distraction was welcomed, keeping her occupied and diverting her mind from all that had happened through the night. There was no such luck though when she found herself curled in the darkness of Halfdan’s spare room. The sparse room was overly warm, its walls close to the dying heat of the forge outside. The mattress beneath her was nicer than anything she’d slept on in… well she didn't really know. Ghost was curled up at her feet, the heat of his back pressed against her. He growled his annoyance as she tossed and turned in the small bed. How long had it been since she’d slept inside four walls, she thought. So used to the tent or the open skies of the wilderness she so often called home. She found it suddenly stifling. Her mind was racing over the night, familiar faces coming and going, stranger ones that she didn’t know or had just met. The stranger in the greenhouse, who had somehow seemed familiar in a way as well. Her encounter with August's betrothed. August’s ruby gaze, growing dull and weak… She sat up suddenly, a light sheen of sweat dampening her bare skin, long silver hair clung to her. She stretched, pulling at the taught scarred skin of her back as if it could loosen the tension there. She couldn’t stay there anymore. Pulling on a light tunic and her leather leggings, she laced her boots quickly, tucking silver blades into each one, and moved towards the door on silent steps. ”Come on,” she whispered to the wolf in the dark. True to his name, he moved on silent paws at her side as they made their way out into the cold night air. Hel felt the cool air against her heated skin and instantly took a calming breath, her hand lacing into the wolf’s thick silver fur. Even in the stench of the city, she found the open space far more calming than the cramped walls of the house. Quickly she made her way through the darkness back in the direction of the estates of the Odersten. The night was eerily quiet after the events of the evening, too many afraid of what may happen if they were caught lurking after the attack on the nobility. The few faces she did pass were bartering mostly in gossip and whispers, wondering at who may have died and how they may be able to take advantage of the situation. Though she got a few dark leers from the shadows, no one made a move towards her with the tall beast at her side, his fur bristling defensively. It was not hard to find his home. There were a few dark carriages she’d seen the physicians take, a heavy guard presence surrounding the estate. Slipping her way into the gardens, the wolf close at her heels she made her way into a servants entrance and up the small stairway. It opened into an ornate hallway, the thick carpet dulling the sound of her boots as she made her way down it. A heavy door with medical supplies resting on a small end table gave away who must be inside. She reached for the decorative knob and suddenly paused. What if there were guards inside? What if his betrothed was at his side? How would that look if Hel just walked in like she’d done it for years. Should she knock? She looked down at the wolf at her side who cocked his head in a curious angle, tail swaying as if he could give her an answer. He seemed to give her a look to just get it fucking over with when footsteps down the hall made the decision for her. Without another thought, she opened the door and made her way inside, whispering into the dim candle light, ”August?” |
![[Image: CMqnFq.png]](https://i2.lensdump.com/i/CMqnFq.png)