![]() Ragged breath huffed from her lungs, beads of hanging adornment clinking lightly against one another with each frantic step that hit the cobbles. Where was Saizo when she need him? It was her fault for loosing track of him. She really shouldn’t have allowed herself to get so distracted and wander from the promised safety at his side. Yet here she was making a mad dash from roving eyes and hands. Wide eyes peering over her shoulder as if to ensure the unknown had been lost, a chance given to hide herself within the sea of people already enjoying themselves this night. Uncertainty plagued the mind though even still that brief sprint steadily faded into far calmer paces as Haru ducked into the crowd. Knowing well enough that she painted a target upon her back moving so quickly. Blend in, pretend that one belonged. Shaken sigh escaped, a heart pounding in her chest as cheeks burned at recollection of all which had laced the other’s tongue. Frustration overrode any embarrassment she may have felt. Phrases such as those always spelled trouble whether heard here or upon lands across the sea. She knew of intention yet, no matter what anyone thought, she was nobodies call girl. Perhaps it had been foolish to believe things would be different here. That the eyes of perverse strangers would not be drawn so easily. Oh how she tried in vain to cling to such hopes but time and time again shadows revealed themselves for what they truly were. The city’s underbelly housing individuals just as dark whether they came for passing pleasures or even dwelled at her side. An arm rose to wipe at her face, to be rid of all which threatened to blossom upon anger. She had come out to enjoy herself not to entertain the fantasies of another. Yet peace could not last as the vague familiarity of that voice hit her ears, a distance askance not directed at herself. Chances would not be taken. Alarm brought a heart to flutter, encouraged steps to quicken until eyes fell upon one partially sectioned off from the rest beneath the porch light of a bar. And it was to him she drifted. Delicate tones calling out to this unknown as if he where a long known friend, “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I see you’ve already gotten a head start without me.” Cheerfulness easily feigned as Haru found herself stopping closely at his side. Nearly thinking to lace her arm about his own in hopes that his presence alone may dissuade the advances of one evaded prior. But she thought better of grasping hold of this stranger without permission. Instead, to busy her hands, the parasol carried with her lay pushed open. Decorative tendrils fluttering with a gentle twirl as she leaned in close, a voice hushed as it fell in softened murmur between them. Barely a whisper, hardly loud enough to be heard, “If that man comes over here please play along. I will repay the kindness.” And leave the horned devil whenever it was asked of her but for now she would forge her own role. Eyes carefully regarding the other. Saizo had given her a few coins from his last job - helping someone with their carpentry or something like that - he’d implored her to be wise with it. No better time than the present she supposed. A practiced smile painted her lips as she took a careful step forward, never out of his reach before a freehand offered itself to be taken in his arm, “Shall we?” roll for bounty presence of: Besentaent Lon |
blanket of stars
03-13-2023, 08:54 PM
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