03-19-2023, 07:54 AM
![]() Pale digits sought to comb through those raven furs that dressed the feline as Osmanthus brushed along her limbs, listening to the vibrating purr which rumbled from him. Forgive me. She tilted a cheek towards Theodred, mildly inquisitive. He spoke with apology and yet she did not fully grasp the understanding as to why. I suppose that was rather… insensitive of me to suggest. She declined the notion with a simple shake of her head. “You were unaware.” she corrected coolly, shifting her weight to accommodate comfort as one palm rested on the ground to aid in weighted support. “You needn’t apologize.” Her freed hand entangled with Osmanthus’ tail, otherwise seemingly unbothered. It wasn’t that the relationship between her and her mother was strained – it never was. Avarice just simply did not comprehend or understand how to approach such dismal moments. She did not know how to provide the comfort her mother may have needed. All the same, it did not matter to her, personally, whether her father lived or died given their past circumstances. There are many things he is capable of. Avarice allowed the feline to pressed his head against her palm to which she contently obliged to the impish demand of attention with a careful scratch behind his ear. Hunting may not be one of them, but he has many… talents aside from that. “I hope to see these talents in time.” she mused with dried humor, offering more pets for the feline. Envy could be just as needy – except she was much larger, and her head boops – albeit meaning to be harmless, could be a little too rough on occasion. Not to mention the equine could be temperamental some days. If the invitation is still open, perhaps I will rest awhile here. Avarice shifted her weight as she perked up some, nodding with affirmation that the invite was still open, extending towards the dark knight. I’m afraid the time escaped me as I followed him. Ah, even she had lost track of the time. She’d wandered from the sanctuary of her room to the pasture when the stars still glittered across the navy canvas. Now, it was slowly shifting colors in the wake of dawn creeping ever so timidly. Avarice felt her jaw tighten as a sigh, disappointment heavy, escaped her lungs. “It seems time has eluded us both.” Came her admittance, following another phlegm-y sniffle. Her gaze shifting towards the estate, in a slight struggle to clumsily stand. The maiden then ran her hand down her evening attire, brushing away any debris that may have decided to snag. She then reached down hoping to pick Osmanthus up to carry him within her arms. Cherry blossom gaze turning towards Theodred with the silent decree for him to follow. There was a faint distance sound of horse and carriage gradually drawing closer to the estate. "This way." |