Wendreda, Mother of Scales |
The news of a terrifying beast has slowly spread throughout the whole of Crue Efros. Its story begins in the outskirts of Anderstel, a tale that had the whole of the small village quivering with fear. When one of their hunting parties returned with only one member, the rest devoured by a great reptile, the commander of the farming village sent word to his majesty. There, nobles heard of this grand creature, something thought to be a myth by most. With an opportunity to prove their mettle, many have scoured the wilds of Crue Efros in hopes of facing the beast and bringing its head to her majesty. Starting HP
Unique Beast Attacks
- Multiattack. The dragon uses its speed during retaliation strikes unless it is frenzied. It then makes two attacks: One with its bite and one with its claws. - Fire breath. After entering a frenzied state, the dragon will unleash fire breath with each retaliation strike until the frenzy ends. This breath does an additional 5hp damage. |
Rules of the hunt |
- No posting order. - The mother and her eggs will escape if no one responds three days after the last post. - Update the mother's health at the bottom of your post and include an attack summary. - This is a very dangerous event. By joining the event you accept the fact that your character may be mauled, mutilated or even die. - Elemental weakness applies to both partial and full hits. |
!roll d100 conditions & damage numbers |
Ele. weakness: Wind & water magic. Immunity: Fire magic. Frenzy trigger: Unknown. Due to multistrike, retaliations are now -30 character HP. Crit Numbers: 83, 79, 54, 51. For more info on how events like this work, read here!
Rewards |
- 500 crescents if you post at least three times. - 1000 crescents if you land the killing blow. - The top 3 posters will receive a reptilian egg that is guaranteed to hatch into a mini dragon. - A dragon slayer trinket after posting 3 times. The trinket enables this character to do a permanent +2 damage to dragon type enemies. |
|M - V| Obsidian Maw [Rare Event]
How could the wolf man resist this? The mention of a dragon-esque creature on the prowl, and in the wilds too? He had to go see. And even if she killed him, well. He wasn’t afraid of death, wasn’t afraid to lose anything. He’d ride Codrin into battle, seemingly unprepared, but Vali wasn’t totally a fool.
As he neared, he dismounted and patted his friend on the neck. "Go home," Codrin didn’t question this request, eyeing the creature before taking off back the way they came. Vali transformed quickly in to his bipedal werewolf figure, wasting no time in lunging for the monster for a hopeful attack. A few slashes and bites on a leg perhaps, before trying to bound backwards in case she were to retaliate. Rolled a 93/100 - partial success Vali’s HP: 120/120 Vali’s SP: 30/30 dragon’s HP: 247/252
03-28-2023, 08:11 PM
Word had spread over an assault of beasts though it was not fear nor the concept of conquest which spurred feet to chase after that destructive trail. He knew others would be after her, that they would not honor a beast in death nor appreciate the life she would grant them with her fall. No matter what it took she would not be a mere pawn in their quest for glory. If one could help it her eternal slumber would come quickly, it would be without pain and she could return to the stars which bore her to watch over all who came after. These were the teachings ingrained, the lessons learned over his few short years.
Already he could see her. A figure large, majestic in the way scales smoothly rolled with each motion of her hide. She was beautiful. Truly a vision to behold and yet without her fall there would be unrest. Others would come. Others would kill. Others would disgrace her. With a short breath an arrow lay knocked in his bow before he let it loose. A glancing blow as her attentions shifted between those who arrived. Leslie 70/70 HP 50/50 SP Injuries: None 31. shoots an arrow at the dragon yet it glances off her armored hide (-5 HP) Wendreda 242/252 HP
03-28-2023, 09:08 PM
Jahi - imagine the eyes are gold pls until i get home to change them uwu
Rolled: 79 - crit! (-15) Attack summary: leap frogged from a branch and sliced the wingies Adnali HP: 70 SP: 50 Wendreda 227/252 ![]() Helayne Ilirum
Helayne had heard whispers of a beast wreaking havoc in the deep wilds. Decimation seemed to follow in the creature's path. Many not returning from their quest to discover what it was, other’s maimed beyond recognition. She hadn’t been able to shake the plague of memories, some real and others only imagined of her own homeland. A beast had torn that world apart as well, but she’d never discovered what or who it was. It was the first inkling she’d heard of since traveling this far south though, so she’d made her way after the rumors. The soft rustle of Sif’s wings overhead made her pause and look up at the silver hawk. His pale wings ruffled, wide eyes peering around, his head turning in all directions. Clearly he’d heard or sensed something close by. She slipped twin silver daggers from the braces strapped to either wrist, silently making her way through the heavy woodland. It wasn’t long before she too could hear the commotion ahead. It seemed she was not the only one who had come looking. A great dragon stood before her, it’s roar like thunder through the ground. She watched as a woman threw her own dagger, shredding part of the beast’s wings. A sweep of fire was it’s answer. Hel had only a moment to try and throw one of the silver blades before rolling to the side to avoid the burst of heat. The blade slides at the edge of one powerful wing, not quite hitting her mark. Rolled 9 - partial hit - tossed a dagger that sort of barely scraped the bottom of her wing webbing Helayne HP 70/70 SP 50/50 Wendreda 222/252 art by soar ![]()
03-29-2023, 12:29 AM
Planting himself firmly against the tree he perched within, eyes set upon the magnificent creature as she twirled to face her attackers. Amazement found in her movements and yet it lay replaced by a moment of shock when another leapt from hiding. Launching herself toward that scaled wonder and nearly into an arrow’s path with reckless abandon. He thought to issue warning, to call out to this unknown, and yet the boy remains silent. If the bolt found her as it’s new mark then fate had proclaimed it so.
Thankfully it skirted by without incident, this time, he would need to remain vigilant to ensure none but the draconic wonder felt their sting. Even from here the power which brewed beneath those scales was apparent, the stories he knew were not fabrications crafted by delusion. The essence which allowed her to thrive would be as strong as she and he craved it for himself. It was selfish he knew but if it meant being able to take it into himself, to breathe as freely as she within this realm. Then he would do all it took. Whoever the others may be they each sought one thing, to remove a queen of her flight, to ground her and keep her within their reach permanently. It would take more than a few knives to rend those great wings to shreds and he knew an arrow would hardly aid in such endeavors. The Misses wasn’t happy, he didn’t expect her to be thrilled over essence thieves. Even from here he could feel traces of that searing heat as she belched her displeasure in a billow of flames. And it was where her fire raged hottest that the hunter finds focus. Pulling at tendrils of melted snow to send those chilling waters up into that gapping maw the moment flames turned to embers. A sudden rush to harpoon tender flesh, to leave the beast sputtering if even for but a moment. Leslie 70/70 HP 45/50 SP Injuries: None 97. morphs water from the melted snow into spear and stabs it into the dragon's mouth (weakness, -20 HP) Wendreda 202/252 HP
03-30-2023, 08:39 PM
Jahi - imagine the eyes are gold pls until i get home to change them uwu
Rolled: 87 - partial! (-5) Attack summary: tried to cut the dergon's leg, barely hit through the scales on her leggie Adnali HP: 70 SP: 50 Wendreda 197/252
03-30-2023, 09:15 PM
![]() Helayne Ilirum
She looked up in time to see her blade just barely rip through the bottom of the dragon’s veil. Rolling to her feet, she pulled the bow from behind her back, knocking an arrow quickly. The dragon’s flame was suddenly cut short by a burst of a water spear from somewhere behind her, impaling the gaping maw. Another glanced the hard armor of her limbs with slash of her blade. Hel paused only long enough to make sure her shot was clear before releasing, watching as the arrow landed with a harsh thunk into the dragons eye, blinding her. 74 - Full Hit - shot an arrow at her eyeball, not enough force to penetrate the skull obvs but enough to blind the one eye. Helayne HP 70/70 SP 50/50 Wendreda 187/252 art by soar ![]()
03-30-2023, 09:36 PM
There was but a short reprieve from the flame laced furies of the draconic, water swiftly turning to steam within that heated embrace as that great hide shifted. Her eyes seeming to scan those who acted against her royal visage. One once perched upon her haunches cast aside, an arrow driving firmly into but a portion of that piercing gaze, and yet it was not one near that her majesty seemed drawn to. Attentions locking upon prey.
A course set before talons tore over the snow in bounds, little time given for reaction as another arrow lay retrieved. Nothing more than silent hope that her path would shift to one at her side rather than the partial cover of foliage. Though he was not so lucky for in what seemed an instant claws set against bark as that scaled frame fell into reach. Breath searing as it huffed from those parting jowls and left the boy staring down at that gaping maw. It sent a jolt of panic, an inescapable dread he had not anticipated to find in the hunt. Only for it to fade, replaced by a flash of white hot pain as jaws snapped around the first limb they could reach. Curving nails finding purchase, no longer scrabbling against bark but embedding deeply into flesh. Features blanked as shock took hold. Those once pristine fangs painted red. Even now she was stunning… yet it was so hard to focus upon her. A mind refusing to register how he’d found the now blood soaked ground nor how that fiery eye leered behind a snarl. Leslie 40/70 HP 45/50 SP Injuries: Bitten + broken lower leg, clawing along thigh of same leg and partially on torso 5. oops he got mauled, pulled off his tree perch and is now on the ground Wendreda 187/252
Jahi - imagine the eyes are gold pls until i get home to change them uwu
Rolled: 8 - full! (-10) Attack summary: says hey, hel's got a pretty good idea and stabs one of her daggers into the other eye to try and distract her from eating leslie Adnali HP: 70 SP: 50 Wendreda 177/252 | |||
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