Thread Prefixes! Respect: If your thread contains any inappropriate content, make sure to mark it accordingly based on our thread prefix system! |M - V| Thread contains violence. |M - SB| Thread contains substance abuse (drugs, alcohol, ect.). |M - SX| Thread contains sexual content. |M - TW| Thread contains triggering content (self-harm, ED, rape, ect.). |M - X| Thread contains multiple warnings. General Rules!
Account names: Each character must be on a separate account named after the character's first name (no middle or surnames please). Age: Due to the mature nature of our site, all members must be at least eighteen years of age to join. Word count: Write as little or as much as you want. We only ask that you give each post your all and attempt to mirror your partner's posts if you can. Images & tables: Avatars are 1372x180, tables/post-scripts and signatures should be no larger than 1245px wide. Face Claims: Animanga & video game references are not allowed. Character Rules!
Character slots: There are no restrictions on how many or when you can create a new character. We just ask that you try your best to be active with your roster! Markings & mutations: Characters are allowed to be as vibrantly tattooed or 'plain' as you want. Mutations are exclusive to supernaturals, however, mortals may have elf shapped ears and odd skin tones. Additional mutations for mortals can be obtained ICly via blood bonding. Learn more here! Technology & firearms: Our technology allows the primary use of various bows, crossbows, swords, and daggers. Firearms are limited to basic pistols, rifles and muskets. Royal Family Tree: Characters may be related to our NPC kings, queens or nobles, on the condition that staff are asked beforehand. Be aware, however, that these relations do not entitle your character to any IC benefits. These relations are strictly for the purpose of story telling. Intimacy & Birth!
Infertile: Vampires cannot birth nor contribute to the creation of life. The only way a vampire can have a 'child' is to become a maker. More on that process can be read here! Interspecies: The offspring made between a mortal and a supernatural or a supernatural couple will result in a mortal child. Sexual content & controversy: We do not condone graphic sex between animals, zoophilia/beastiality or pedophilia. Characters cannot participate in any sexual acts until the age of 18 years old. If your topic has heavy sexual themes, mark it appropriately. Reckless affairs: Being too promiscuous has its... unexpected consequences. Planned conception requirements: Both the mother and father's accounts must have 20 IC posts made. They must also have at least one thread together that has been completed. Pregnancy length: Women are pregnant for 2 rl months. Birth dates will be posted in the application thread. Ageing rates: Adult characters (anything 18+) will age 1 year per 1 IC year cycle. 1 IC year cycle consists of 8 real months. Children, however, may age at any rate the parents decide. Children may also be played as NPC's until their RPer decides to make them a stand-alone character. Pregnancy sizes: The maximum amount of children a female can have is 2 with 1 being the most common for mortals and 2 being common among werewolves. There are no restrictions on how many offspring you can have (ie. being poor will not affect the outcome) though circumstances can determine how many will survive throughout the pregnancy. If there is a famine, you have a 40% chance of having a stillborn. If your pregnant character participates in a fight or gets attacked, there is a 60% chance she will lose her offspring. All rolls, except for the latter, will be posted on your application thread. |